Page 107 of Unlikely to Stay
“But did it go all right?Is she going to be okay?”
“They said it went as well as could be expected.They want her to wake up before they tell me how she’s doing.Because of her age and all.”
Brant sat down in a chair, put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.“I should have been here,” he breathed.“She’s so old and frail.I knew I shouldn’t have left her.”
CC sat in the chair next to him and rubbed soothing circles on his back.“Don’t say that.She still would’ve had the heart attack whether you’d been there or not.”
Brant looked at her and her heart broke at the pain in his eyes.“She had to call 911 herself.Before she passed out she managed to call her damn self.I shouldn’t have left her alone.She could’vedied.And it would have been all my fault.”
CC started to tell him that wasn’t the case but before she could say the words a doctor in light blue scrubs came through the sliding doors.
“Mr.Billings?”the doctor said.
“Yeah,” Brant said, jumping up from his chair.“I mean, yes.Is she awake?”
The doctor nodded.“She’s awake.She’s still pretty groggy but you can go back and see her now.”
“Can my girlfriend come, too?”Brant asked.
The doctor smiled at CC.“As long as she isn’t going to be jumping on the bed or asking your mom to pillow fight.”
“You have my word that’s not going to happen,” CC said.
“Then you two can follow me.”
Brant took her hand and the two of them followed the doctor down a long hallway before stopping in front of a dark room, the sound of a beeping monitor echoing into the hallway.“Remember, she’s still pretty groggy from the anesthesia, so if she’s not making much sense there’s no reason to worry.”
Brant nodded his head, a grim look on his face.“I understand.”
The doctor nodded and the two of them walked through the curtain separating Betty’s room from the nurse’s station in the ER.“Mom?”he said softly.“Are you awake?”
When CC’s eyes adjusted to the darkened room she saw Betty lying in a bed in the middle of the room.Her eyes widened at the sight.It looked like the vibrant, lively woman she had met just a short time ago had shrunk three sizes.She looked small…frail…breakable.
“Of course I’m awake you silly boy,” Betty said softly.“No stupid heart attack is gonna keepmedown.”
Brant pulled a chair over to the side of the bed and sat down.He grabbed his mom’s hand and placed a kiss on the top.“I’m so sorry, Mom,” he said, his voice cracking.
“Sorry?What on earth do you think you have to be sorry for?”
“I wasn’t there for you…I should’ve beenthere—”
“You couldn’t have done nothin’ even if youwerethere, Brant Billings,” she replied.“You stop thinking like that.I’m just sorry I ruined your date with that pretty girl of yours.Is she with you?”
CC stepped from the shadows of the wall that she was leaning against and waved.“I’m here, Betty.How are you feeling?”
“Like I just got trampled over by a herd of pissed off momma cows,” Betty said.“But I’ll be all right.”
“Don’t argue with me, Mom.I’m going to stay with you until you’re back on your feet.”
“Oh, no you’re not.I’m fine.Doc said if I do okay they’ll move me to a regular room tomorrow and then I’ll be out in a couple of days.I got ladies from church already offering to sit with me.”
“Well, you can tell them we don’t need them.I’ll be with you.”
“It’s not necessary, my boy.I’ll be fine.”
“Not arguing, Mom.Case closed.”
“What about the clinic?”