Page 108 of Unlikely to Stay
“They’ll survive without me for a few days.Or they can send someone else.”
“Won’t that cut into your loan forgiveness?”
“I’ll worry about that later.Right now you’re all I want to focus on.”
Betty sighed.“You’re one stubborn kid.”
“I get it from you.”
Betty laughed and then grimaced.“I sure am tired, baby.I think I’m gonna doze off for a bit.”
“I’ll be right here when you wake up.I’m not going anywhere.”Brant continued to hold his mom’s hand and didn’t even look CC’s way.She quietly took his car keys and wallet out of her purse and placed them on the table next to her before walking out of the room.Brant didn’t even call to her as she opened the curtain and the light filtered in.
Taking her phone out of her purse, she pressed one of her favorite contacts.Her friend picked up on the first ring.“Cees?What’s wrong?You’re supposed to be on a date,” Annie’s voice said over the line.
“Yeah, well, our plans were interrupted.Can you come get me?I’ll tell you about it on the way home.”
“Sure will.Just name the place.”
“Memorial Hospital in the city.”
Annie gasped.“Are you okay?Brant?”
“Yeah, we’re okay.His mom had a heart attack.”
“Oh, Cees.I’m sorry.”
CC let out a breath.“Me, too.”
“Wyatt and I will leave now.We’ll see you in a couple of hours.”
“Are you okay waiting in the hospital?”
“Hell, no.I’m calling a cab and having them take me to the nearest Panera.I can eat and read on my phone while I wait.I’m starving.”
“Will Brant not take you?”
“I didn’t even ask him.He’s not leaving his mom’s side.That’s not an option.”
“Okay.I’ll text you when we get close.”
“Okay.Thanks, Ann.”