Page 109 of Unlikely to Stay
Chapter 24
“Itold you, I’mfine!”
Brant tried not to sigh at his mom’s words.She had been released from the hospital five days after her surgery and, true to his word, Brant had gone home with her to make sure she was okay.He’d been at her home for an entire week and was trying his best to not go bat shit crazy.His mom was ahorriblepatient.Not listening when he told her to stay in bed.Making breakfast when she should have been sleeping.Going to the bathroom by herself.He could feel his hair graying by the second.
“Mom, you just had a heart attack.You’re notfine.”
She rolled her eyes.“Iamfine.I’ve been telling you that ever since I came home.I’m not gonna break, Brant Billings, no matter what you think.”
“You almostfellthe first time you snuck out of bed to go to the bathroom by yourself!”
“That’s because you’d only give me Jell-O and chicken broth to eat!I gotta have sustenance!You’re trying to make me weak so I think I’ll need you longer!”
It was Brant’s turn to roll his eyes.“That’s not true.The doctor said we needed to gradually introduce you to more substantial foods and change your diet up.Good thing your son is a nurse and also knows what is good for heart attack patients.No more fried foods.”
“I’m gonna die of abrokenheart instead of a clogged one,” she muttered.“Food islife.”
He shook his head.“Well, if you wanna live to see any grandkids you better makehealthierfood your life.”
Her eyes widened.“That girl of yourspregnant?”
Brant realized the words what came out of his mouth.“What?No!I’m just saying…one day…grandkids might…gah!You gotta eat better, Mom.”
“How are you and Miss CC doing?She like you staying here with me instead of down in that little town of hers?”
Brant shrugged his shoulders.“I don’t know,” he said evasively.
“You mean you haven’ttalkedto the girl?”
“I’ve talked to her…I’ve just been focused on getting you better.She understands.”
His mom raised one eyebrow.“Are you sure about that?Have you asked her or are you just assuming?Because you know what it means to assume.”
“I haven’taskedher…not really.I just thought she’d realize…I don’t know.I’vetalkedto her.It’s not like I’ve been ignoring her.”
“Boy, you really don’t know the next thing about women.I thought I raised you right.In this aspect, I’ve apparently failed you miserably.”
“You’re saying I should call her?”
“If you don’t, you’re some kind of stupid.”
Brant chuckled.His mom was never one to beat around the bush.“Before I talk to CC, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“Why do I think I need to lean back and get comfortable for this conversation?”
“I was really thinking about what to do after my three years at Parker were up.I had some options but wasn’t sure which one I wanted to choose.When CC and I got together, I thought about staying in Parker.But now…after your heart attack—”
“You better not be saying what I think you’re saying.”
“I just think it would be better if I stayed here in the city so I can be close to you.I’ve already contacted some of the hospitals here and they are interested.I’ve filled out several applications online this week while you’ve been sleeping.”
His mom started shaking her head.“Nope.No way.That’s a mistake.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“Yes, itis!”
Brant threw his hands up in the air.His mom was such as stubborn, stubborn woman.“Why, Mom?Why is it such a bad idea?”