Page 135 of Unlikely to Stay
Chapter 29
CC looked around the gym and smiled.Turquoise, white, black, and gray baby decorations hung from every available surface and wall.Fancy bows the same colors of the baby decorations adorned all the workout equipment housed in the gym.Posted above each piece of exercise equipment was a brief summary of what the equipment did and how members could use it to benefit them the most.
The present table already held a variety of packages people had been dropping off throughout the day.Sitting next to the table was the bassinet and Doona CC had successfully procured during her trip to Lakeview.
“I still can’t believe you made that worker call the people she sold the stroller to and make them return it,” Annie walked up to CC, laughing, and bumped CC with her hip.“They probably thought you were crazy.”
“I don’t care if theythoughtI was crazy.There were going toseecrazy if they didn’t get back what we had already paid for!”
CC, Annie, and Sadie had purchased the bassinet and Doona, a fancy stroller that converted into a baby carrier, online a few weeks before.When CC had gotten to the store in Lakeview to pick them up, the person behind the cash register told CC they had accidentally sold them to another person a few hours prior.CC had thrown a big enough fit that the store had called the people and told them to return the items.
“Man, if you are this nuts over baby stuff when you aren’t pregnant I can’t imagine what you’ll be like when you are!”
CC rolled her eyes.“That’s not happening any time soon.Besides, you’re the one who’s married.Shouldn’t you be the next in line on the baby train?”
“I’m not sure if I want kids.”
“What?Why?You’ll be a great mom.”
“I don’t know.My parents were so jacked up.”
“Which your granny more than made up for,” CC replied.
Annie shrugged.“I know.But Sophie’s Haven takes up so much of our time.I don’t want any kids wemighthave thinking we neglect them for our animals or anything.”
“Are you kidding me?Mydreamas a kid would have been to have parents who owned azoo.That would have been awesome!Instead, the stork decided to deliver me to a pair of drugged-out hippies who never changed.”
“Well, you grew up to be pretty good,” Annie replied.“So I bet your kids will be, too.”
“Kids aren’t even on my radar.I don’t even think another man will be on my radar.Ever.”
Annie looked at her with sympathy.“I’m so sorry, Cees.”
CC tried to hold back the tears.She’d cried too many times over Brant.If she wanted to function as a human being again she had to stop with the sobbing.“I know.Now quit talking about it.You’ll ruin my makeup.”
At that moment, Sadie walked through the door carrying a large punch bowl under one arm and a Swanson’s grocery sack in the other hand.
“Sadie!I thought you were making a cake!”Annie called.“Where is it?”
“Oh, please, honey.I can’t carry that big thing.Your man is coming behind me with it.Speaking of, someone better get the door.”
“I’ll do it!”Annie called.
Sadie walked over to one of the tables for the food and placed the punch bowl and sack on the table.
“What’s in the bag?”
“The ingredients for the punch.Frozen baggies of tropical punch Jell-O, sugar, lemon, pineapple juice, and ginger ale.Mix them all up and it makes a yummy slushy punch.”
“That sounds delicious.”
“The only thing that’d make itmoredelicious is if I added some rum to it.Since it’s frowned upon for a pregnant lady to drink seven months into her pregnancy, I abstained,” Sadie said with a smile.
“Maybe you should make a second batch for us.”
Sadie waggled her finger.“I always knew you were a thinker.”