Page 136 of Unlikely to Stay
CC heard a “Whoa!”from Annie.Her eyes went to the door to see Wyatt hauling in a gigantic cake.Sadie had created a masterpiece.The bottom layer consisted of a turquoise and white checkerboard fondant over chocolate cake with chocolate mousse.Dark gray fondant with black polka dots donned the second layer, vanilla cake with more chocolate mousse underneath.
Griffin and Breckin would cut into the top layer, which was Sadie’s famous strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting under a layer of turquoise, white, gray, and black striped fondant.Sadie topped the cake with a white fondant bassinet, the gender neutral baby inside holding a turquoise and black rattle.
Wyatt walked over to the table and gently placed the cake in the center so as not to ruin it.“Man, Sadie.Are you thinking a million people are coming to this shower?”he asked, huffing out a breath.“This thing weighed a million pounds.”
“You never can tell how much cake people are gonna eat.No way I’m gonna leave bellies empty.”
“Sade, it’sbeautiful,”CC breathed.“You couldn’t have done any better.”
Sadie actuallyblushed.“Thanks, doll.I think it might be my best one yet.”
“I agree.”
“Oh.My.Jeez!Is that mycake?”
CC turned to the sound of Breckin’s voice.She and Griff were standing in the doorway.To CC’s horror, Breckin’s eyes filled with tears.“It is the prettiest thing I’veever seen!”
“Why is she crying?”CC asked Griff under her breath.“She just said it was beautiful.”
“It’s the pregnancy hormones.Yesterday she cried because I made her bacon too crispy.The day before she cried because she wanted McDonald’s at two o’clock in the morning.Last week she cried because she was looking at newborn hospital pictures and said they were all ugly so our baby is going to be ugly.”
CC shook her head.“Bless you for putting up with it.”
Griffin beamed.“It’s totally worth it.I get to cater to her and our little girl.”
“What?”CC asked.
“I just have a feeling it’s going to be a girl.Is it?”
CC shook her head.“Nice try.You’ll find out when you cut into your cake.”
“It was worth a try.”
People started filtering into the gym.Soon it was filled to capacity.“Outta myway!I’m the Granny!My rightful place is next to the preggo!”
CC couldn’t help but smile.The walking, ninety-one-year-old tornado had arrived.
“Don’t be surprised if she tries to open the presents herself,” Griff said.“Better keep an eye on her.”
“She’syourgrandma,” CC replied.“I think that’syourjob.”
Griff groaned.“I never get a break.”
CC patted him on the back.“Sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
CC winked.“I’ve never been a good liar.”
“You have somany outfits I bet your baby won’t even be able to wear all of them before she outgrows them.”Breckin, CC and Annie were sitting on the floor in the middle of the baby’s room, mountains of presents scattered all over the floor.
“No joke,” Annie said.“There has to be a hundred outfits here.”
“I don’t know if I have enough room for all of it,” Breckin said with a sigh.“It’s ridiculous.But I really loved the idea of the books instead of cards.That was such a good idea.”
“We thought you would like it.”
“So, now we’re going to talk about you,” Breckin said.