Page 18 of Unlikely to Stay
“One of the things that made CC quit working on the gym was the fact that she ran out of money.”
“That’s one thing I don’t have.”
“Again, not asking for that.”
Brant rolled his eyes.“Are you ever going to straight up ask me what is going on?I’m dying of curiosity.”
“So…Breckin and Annie came up with an idea to raise the money to finish the gym.”
“What is it?”
“She’s holding an auction to auction off all the eligible bachelors in town.”
“You’re an eligible bachelor in town.”
Brant’s eyes widened.“Oh…no, no, no.No, thank you, my friend.I’m not going to leave myself open to the thought of some eighty-year-old woman winning the bid on me.”
Griff put his hands together in a pleading motion.“Come on, man.Do me a solid here.Breckin sent me here with the specific purpose to get you to agree to be one of the bachelors.”
“Why in the world would I do that?”
“What if I told you Annie promised to make sure you would be guaranteed not to get an old lady to win your bid?”
“How would she make that happen?”
“Her granny left her a ton of oil royalties to several oil rigs around the area.As long as oil is up, the checks keep rolling.And right now, oil is up.So Annie has plenty of money to spare.She promised to bid on you no matter what the price.”
“Wyatt is okay with this?”
“Oh, she’s not going to be the one to go on a date with you.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask who is.”
“CC as in Colleen Chandler, owner of the hair salon CC?”
“The one and only.The way Annie and Breckin see it, she’s single, you’re single, and their friend needs a good date.Her luck has been bad recently.So you better start thinking of interesting things to do.And by interesting things, I mean don’t take her to a restaurant in Lakeview to eat and then go to a movie.”
“What’s wrong with dinner and a movie?”
“According to Breckin, not creative enough.Apparently, CC is a creative soul and needs a date that models that creativity.”
Brant blew out a breath.A date with CCwasappealing, but he wasn’t sure that she would be open to a date with him.Especially since she avoided him at all costs.
“Breckin and Annie won’t take no for an answer.I can promise you that.”
“Really.But only if youpromiseI won’t be bought by someone like Madge or Patty.”
“Dude, that’s a promise I can make.I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty it won’t happen.”
“Then I’m in.”