Page 38 of Unlikely to Stay
Chapter 10
Brant took a deep breath after exiting the shop.That had gone better than he expected.When he entered the door, he expected Colleen to reject his offer and kick him out.He almost fell over from shock when she agreed to go on a date with him.
He exhaled and shook his head.Now he apparently had to plan something cool and special to do with her since her friends said dinner and a movie wouldn’t do.The bad thing was Brant had no clue what that cool thing would be.He wasn’t good at dates seeing as he never had much experience with them.The few he did go on were awkward at best.It was too hard explaining about his past.Once the women found out he grew up a foster kid the looks of pity inevitably showed up on their faces and Brant couldn’t continue.He wasn’t going to be someone’s pity date…or boyfriend…or relationship.
He finally sent a message to Griff.
Brant: Any bright ideas on what to do with CC?
Griff: She agreed to go with you?!
Brant: Yeah, she did.Trust me, I’m just as surprised as you.I was expecting a flat out rejection.
Three bubbles danced across Brant’s screen signaling Griff was responding.
Griff: Hang on.Let me ask Breck.I don’t know the first thing about what Cees would like.
More bubbles.And waiting.Brant moved away from CC’s shop so she wouldn’t think he was a creeper.Finally, another message popped up on his screen.
Griff: She said there’s this little place by the creek where the girls all went as kids.Take her there and have a picnic.
Brant: A picnic?I don’t know the first thing about a picnic!Brant typed quickly.If I’m in charge of a picnic she’s getting Spam on white bread and an orange on the verge of going bad, all being packed in a Swanson’s grocery sack!
A laughing-so-hard-its-crying emoticon popped up on his screen.
Brant: Not.Funny.I.Need.Help.
Griff: Breckin said to be at our house at nine.She’ll have a picnic ready for you in a pretty little basket.
Brant let out a sigh of relief.At least he didn’t have to try and be creative.He was pretty sure he would fail miserably.
Not surprisingly, Brant didn’t sleep well that night.He tossed and turned, sporadically looking at the clock to see how much time had passed.It was the slowest moving clock in the history of clocks.
He finally managed to doze off around four and woke up to the sun peeking through his blinds.With a groan, he rolled over and looked at his alarm.Eight o’clock.Enough time for a cup of coffee and a shower before heading to Griff’s house to get the miracle picnic basket.
At 8:45 he was knocking on the bright red door of Breckin and Griffin’s house.Breckin flung open the door and smiled.“Good morning, Brant.”
“Good morning, Breckin.I hear you have something for me.”
Breckin held up a wicker basket and a red and white plaid blanket.“Inside you’ll find everything you need for the perfect picnic at CC’s favorite spot.”
“She’ll know you helped me plan this, you know.”
Breckin nodded.“Oh, I know.And I don’t care.At least the date won’t be a failure.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
She laughed.“Any time.”
Griff walked up behind Breckin and planted a kiss on the top of her head.“You ready for the big day?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Griff held up his fist for a bump.“Go get ’em, tiger.”
“Why do I feel like you’re my parents encouraging me on my first day of college?”
The couple smiled knowingly at each other.Breckin finally answered him.“Let’s just say my friend is a tough nut to crack.Don’t think she hates you.She doesn’t.She just has a lot of feelings that run deep…and aren’t my story to tell.”