Page 45 of Unlikely to Stay
“I’ve lived her almost three years and I’m still not used to everyone knowing everyone else’s business,” he replied with a smile.“It’s different.”
“Good different or bad different?”
“Had you asked me that a week ago, I might have said bad different.Now that you’re smiling at me instead of running?I’m feeling it’s a definite good different.”
At his words, Brant pushed off the grass and launched himself over the creek, yelling the entire time.
CC couldn’t believe what she just heard.Brant Billings was flirting.Withher.She didn’t know what to think.Before she could think on it too long, though, Brant came swinging back toward her.
Instead of stopping himself on the grass like she expected, Brant grabbed her by the waist and pushed off again, propelling thembothacross the creek.
“Brant!”she shrieked.“What are you doing?”
He laughed, CC feeling the rumbling in his chest she was currently pressed up against.
“I’m swinging across the creek.With you.”
“I thought you said you hated heights and it was scary.”
“Maybe I just said that to get you to stand close to the tree so I could grab you.”
CC’s eyes went wide.“Youpunk!”
“Careful now, Colleen.My grip isn’t what it used to be.One slip and there you go…right.In.The.Creek.”
Her eyes widened.“You wouldn’t,” she breathed.
CC heard him say, “Whoops,” right before he let go of the rope and they both fell into the freezing water.
CC popped up first, spitting water and expletives, trying in vain to brush her wet hair out of her face.Brant, the ass, popped up next to her a second later, a big smile on his face.
Giving him the death glare, CC put her hand on top of his head and pushed him under the water, laughing in satisfaction at the look on his face when he rose to the surface.
“What was that for?”he asked incredulously.
“What was that for?What wasthat for?”she yelled.“You just dumped me in the friggin’ freezing creek!”
“Oh, I didn’t dump you.We slipped.Didn’t you hear me say whoops?”
CC rolled her eyes but she couldn’t manage to keep the smile off her face.“You—you—you—”
“Yes, I think we’ve established I’m me.”
“Be quiet.I’m trying to think of an insulting name to call you.”
“I had a kid call me poo poo head when I gave him a shot the other day.You’re welcome to that one if you’d like.Burt and Marty have both referred to me as the kiddie doctor.”
“Jerk face.”
Brant put his hand over his mouth and gasped.“Ouch.That one really hurt.”
CC laughed and splashed him with water.“What am I gonna do now, huh?I’m freezing.It’s too cold to be in the creek in April.”
“I’ll take you back to your house on two conditions.”
“Are these going to be conditions in which you lie through your teeth again?”
“Nope.”Brant held up his hand.“Scout’s honor.”