Page 46 of Unlikely to Stay
“Fine.What are the two conditions?”
“One, our date isn’t ended just because you have to go change.”
The giddy girl inside CC jumped up and down in celebration.The real CC, however, pretended to think it over.“And the second condition?”she tried to ask seriously.
“You have to give me a haircut.I’ve been driving to Lakeview to get it cut because I thought you hated me.It isreallyinconvenient.Now that I know youdon’thate me,I expect you to cut my hair from here on out.”
“You really got your hair cut in Lakeview?Just to avoid me?”
“You can look pretty scary when you want to, Freckles.”
“Yep.My nickname for you.Freckles.”
“Why Freckles?Can’t you call me CC or Cees like everyone else?”
“Because your freckles are adorable and I don’t want to be like everyone else.I want you to remember what I call you.Just me.That okay?”
CC’s eyes widened, her breath hitched, she gulped and her lady parts woke up and cheered.She couldn’t even form a coherent sentence.All she could do was nod.This sounded promising.Maybe her three year dry spell might see an ending.She just hoped if the opportunity presented itself she’d remember what to do.
About half an hour later,CC was back in her apartment waiting on Brant to come back and get her.He had gone home to change clothes since he was just as wet as she was.She wanted to be mad at him but didn’t have it in her.She had such a great time on their date.She had never approached Brant for fear of him being a snobby, educated intellectual.That couldn’t be further from the truth.Brant was as down to earth as Breckin’s dad.Next time CC saw Karen, she’d have to thank the woman for backing out.
A knock sounded on her door.He had returned.Not wanting to appear too eager, CC willed herself to count to ten before she answered.Brant was leaning on the stair rail, a University of Oklahoma nursing t-shirt worn with a pair of athletic shorts.
“Why are you staring at me?”he asked.
CC gulped.She had never seen Brant this relaxed.It was a good look on him.“I’ve just never seen you this casual before.You’re usually dressed all…fancy.”
Brant raised an eyebrow.“Fancy?”
“Fancy in all your button down shirts, slacks, and suspenders.What’s with the suspenders, by the way?I sense a story.”
He grinned, the dimples on his cheeks deepening.“That’s a story for another time.I have to hold few cards.Otherwise, I’ll tell you all my secrets and you’ll get bored with me.”
CC had no plan on ever getting bored with Brant Billings but that washercard she was holding close to her chest.She didn’t wanthimto get bored withher.
“Besides, I have to dress fancy.Otherwise, I’ll get called a kiddie doc more than I already do.Or they’ll give me a hard time because I’m not areal doctor,” he said, finger-quoting the last two words.
“So whydidyou decide to become a nurse practitioner rather than a doctor?”she asked.
“Less schooling, less medical malpractice concerns, less drowning in debt after graduation.”
“That makes sense.”
Brant held out his hand.“So?Are you ready to give this mop on top of my head a trim?”
CC looked at Brant’s hand.It looked strong.Long, lean fingers.Smooth skin.A person could tell a lot by a man’s hands.
Hesitantly, she took his hand, trying not to sigh as he intertwined his fingers with hers.She also tried to ignore the way their hands fit together so perfectly.They were just like she had imagined they would be.Smooth skin on top with callouses on the pads of his fingers.A zing of electricity shot up her arm.She just knew Brant could feel the fluttering of her heart through their linked fingers.
He smiled at her again.“You never answered my question.”
“What question?”
“If you’re ready to cut my hair.”
“I’m ready.”