Page 69 of Unlikely to Stay
“Hogwash.Dale Matthews don’t know what he’s talking about.I can drive just fine.I just gotta do it during times I know he’s not patrolling.”
“How do you know he’s not patrolling?”CC asked.Anything to get Kelda’s mind off what she just saw.
“Because one day I was innocently standing at the front desk of the police station, wanting to file a report on my neighbor’s stupid dogs terrorizing my sweet cats when they go out into the backyard to enjoy the sun.No one was at the desk and I was waiting patiently.I just so happened to see the schedule sitting in plain sight.It said clear as day Dale don’t work on Monday nights.So I get free rein then.Everybody in town knows that kiddie cop Clay can’t do nothing right.He didn’t even know June’s donkey was ahe,even though it would win the blue ribbon for biggest animal pecker at the county fair.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not a category, Kelda.”
“Iknowit’s not.I’m just saying Rambo would win and Clay didn’t even notice.So he ain’t much of a cop.”
“Well, I think he’s doing a good job,” CC said.
“Says the woman playing tonsil hockey with the hot doctor in town,” Kelda said with a smirk.“Just you wait until I tell June.She’s gonna be one pissed off donkey owner.She had her sights set on this here eye candy for quite some time.Good thing you look pretty quick on your feet.I bet you can outrun her.She’s a big gal.Who am I kidding?She’s a load, that one.But I’m pretty sure she’d get winded running a block, so you got that in your favor.”
Kelda waved her fingers and sent them a smile.“Anyway, didn’t mean to interrupt.Just a concerned citizen wanting to make sure you weren’t blowing the town’s money on strippers or drug dealing.You two can get back to playing tonsil hockey.Sorry to interrupt.”
At her words, Kelda turned on her gold clad Keds feet and headed out the door.
“We’re in big trouble with that, aren’t we?”Brant asked.
CC sighed.“She’ll either have us living in sin or me knocked up by the end of the week.And that’s if she keeps it PG-13.”
“Oh, boy.”
“You can say that again.”
“Oh, boy.”
CC grinned.Even though Kelda walked in on them, theworstscenario that could possibly happen, CC wouldn’t change a thing.Brant’s kiss had awakened parts of her that she thought were long dead.All her worries were in vain.One kiss from Brant had them fully functioning at high capacity.
Brant couldn’t believehe had enough balls to ask Colleen Chandler for permission to kiss her.He couldn’t believe she had let him getcloseenough to kiss her.Hell, he couldn’t believe shelethim kiss her.About a month ago she was glaring at him from across Main Street and avoiding him at all costs.Now, she was moaning when he placed his lips against hers.It was a horrible twist of fate that Griff’s crazy grandma had walked in right as his body came into contact with Colleen’s but man, oh, man…he wouldn’t have traded it for anything.
Brant hadn’t kissed many women in his thirty-two years of living.His trust-o-meter in high school wasn’t the best because of his experience as a foster kid.Opportunities presented themselves in college but he had been so focused on getting his degree and into nursing school he hadn’t wanted the distraction a pretty college undergrad could hypothetically cause.Then, he had moved to Parker and all potential for dating had spiraled down the drain.
Kissing Colleen Chandler, though…the few kisses he’d had before were no comparison.She tasted like peppermint and felt like the softness of winter snowflakes on his skin.He wanted to breathe in her smell of raspberries and vanilla and place kisses on every single freckle on her face.She was air and light and joy and hope wrapped up in an addicting maraschino red-haired package.
“Soooooo…that was awkward,” he said, running his fingers through his hair.
“Yep.Like you said before, oh, boy.”
“Think we can bribe her to keep quiet?”
“With what?”CC asked.
“Free hair colors for life?”
“She’d put me out of business.”
Brant laughed.“Free pedicures?”
“Have youseenher feet?”
He shrugged.“I’m out of ideas.”
“How about you let her take a picture of your butt and post it on social media?”
It was Freckles’ turn to laugh.“She collects pictures of men’s butts and posts them to social media.Breckin’s dad’s got almost five hundred likes.”