Page 70 of Unlikely to Stay
Brant shook his head.“No.Way.”
“All I’m saying is it might make her keep quiet.”
“On a scale of one to one hundred percent of keeping quiet it would do, what are the odds?”
“Probably seventy-thirty.”
Brant blew out a sigh of relief.Seventy-thirty wasn’t so bad.
“Seventy percent she’llstilltell,” Colleen added.
“That woman is going to be the death of me.”
At his words, Colleen’s stomach rumbled loudly.“I can’t talk about Kelda Vanderburgh anymore.I need sustenance.”
“What do you want?We can see what Sadie’s Monday night special is.”
“And risk Kelda announcing to the entire café what she caught us doing?No, thank you.”
“Then what do you want?”
“How about you go eat at your place and I go to mine?”
Brant frowned.“Are you sick of me already?”
Her eyes widened.“No!I just…I don’t know…haven’t you spent enough time with me today?For the last month?I figured you might be growing tired of all the free labor I’m using you for.”
“Freckles, you haven’t made me doanything.Have you forgotten that Iofferedto help?And now…now I want to take you to dinner.”
“Like a date?”
“Like a date.I figured I already kissed you so we got that awkward part out of the way.So?Food?”
Her stomach grumbled again and she smiled.“I guess that’s your answer.”
“Thank the lord you have a hangry stomach.”
“So?Where are we gonna go?I don’t have anything at my house but a box of brown sugar cinnamon Pop-Tarts.”
“I think I have some freezer burned Eggo waffles.We’re sad food individuals, aren’t we?”He laughed.
“Why should I cook when Sadie’s café is under my apartment?”she asked.
Brant agreed.Nothing he’d eaten at Sadie’s had ever been bad.“Think Sadie will deliver?”
“That means she’ll know…about the kiss.She’ll demand to know why we aren’t coming into the café to eat.She’s a nosey, nosey woman.”
“I don’t mind telling Sadie I kissed you.Doyoumind telling Sadie you kissed me?”
Colleen shook her head.“She usually gets all our secrets out of us during our sundae dates, anyway.”
“Sundae dates?”
“Every Wednesday, Annie, Breckin, and I meet at Sadie’s for a sundae.Sadie makes sure we all have our favorites.We’ve been doing it since we were little kids.She usually scoots the one of us who is sitting on the side of the booth by ourselves over and has us spill all our secrets.So she’ll know anyway.”
“But the question is…can she keep a secret?”
“I guess we can see.”