Page 76 of Unlikely to Stay
Gah.Sadie could still read her like a book.“Maybe I was.”
“Well, I’ll tell you.He was a chemical engineer and worked for one of the largest oil companies in America.Remember how he was gone all the time?”
CC nodded.
“That’s because he was traveling all over the world, from oil rig to oil rig, figuring out more efficient, safer ways to convert and transport oil.You know how much schooling that took?A lot.You know how much schooling I have?None.Not unless you count all the experience I got in my momma’s kitchen.Get your head out of your ass, Colleen Chandler.Brant Billings is a good man.A good man you’re worthy of, no matter how much schooling he has.”
“Dang, Sadie.Not going easy on me, are you?”
“No, ma’am.It’s about time you washed away all of that self-doubt your momma planted in you and start believing what an amazing woman you really are.”
CC pulled her friend in for a hug, not caring if she got auburn dye on her shirt.“Thanks, Sade.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie.Now, sit with me while this color sets and tell me about this kiss.I wantallthe details.”