Page 91 of Unlikely to Stay
She finished eating her part of the sundae wrapped up in her thoughts of Brant’s hands in her hair, his kisses all over her body.He was an amazing, attentive lover.The best she’d ever had.Hands.Down.And the fact that he said she made him want tostay…that had to be something.
“What are you thinking about?”Breckin asked, breaking into CC’s thoughts.“You aren’t with us anymore.”
CC could feel her face turning red.“Just thinking about what all I can do for the baby.And how we definitely need to plan a baby shower soon.”
Annie stared at her, her face resting on her chin with her elbow propped up on the table.“You’re hiding something.”
“I amnot!”
“You are!You have that look in your eye you have whenever you’re lying about something and don’t want us to know.”
Sadie looked confused.“What could she possibly be lying about?”
“She went to the city yesterday with Brant and met his mom,” Breckin said with a smile.
“Is that why his car was parked behind the café last night?”Sadie asked.
“What do you mean, his car was parked behind the café last night?”Annie sat up straighter in the booth, her spoon forgotten in the uneaten part of her sundae.
“I worked late doing inventory.When I closed up, I noticed Brant’s old Honda parked close to mine.I was wondering what it was doing there.”Sadie’s eyes widened as she comprehended what was going on.Damn her sleepiness.CC hadn’t evennoticedSadie’s car parked next to Brant’s.
“He spent thenight, didn’t he?”Breckin squealed.“Is your dry spell officially over now?My bet is yes.”
“I guess that means her lady parts didn’t shrivel up and die,” Annie said triumphantly.“And here you were griping at us about not talking about our sex lives.All the time you were sitting there with your big secret.Bigger than meeting his mom even.”
“Muchbigger,” Breckin agreed.
“I’d say so,” Sophie added.“The question is, though, iseverythingbigger?”
Annie and Breckin started laughing uncontrollably and high-fived Sadie.CC sighed.Time to ‘fess up.“Yes, he was at my apartment.I fell asleep on the ride home from the city—”
“Of course you did,” Annie interjected.“You always fall asleep when you ride in the car.”
CC stuck her tongue out at her friend.“Do you want to hear the story or not?”
“Annie, shut the hell up,” Breckin said.
“Don’t cuss in front of your baby,” Annie replied.“They can hear everything you say.”
CC rolled her eyes.“Fine.I won’t tell you.”
“Both of you stop arguing like teenage girls and let CC talk,” Sadie said.“Or else I’m kicking both of you out of the booth andI’lllisten to the story.”
“Anyway, I fell asleep.Brant didn’t want me to fall off my stairs, so he helped me up them.We were going to watch an episode ofStranger Things.”
“Sure you were,” Annie muttered.Breckin covered Annie’s mouth with her hand.
“I told him all about you three insisting on helping me decorate the living room but how I decorated the bedroom myself and it was my sanctuary.”
“Look at you, you sly little sex kitten,” Breckin said, wagging her eyebrows.
CC ignored her.“One thing led to another and we wound up…well, doing it.Alot.”
Her friends squealed in delight.“Yay!”Annie cheered.“I’m so happy for you!”
“That’s so great, Cees,” Breckin said.“Can you imagine the amazing triple dates we can go on now?”
“And to think, you avoided that boy like the plague for two years,” Sadie said with a smile.“This could’ve happened forever ago if you hadn’t been so stubborn.”