Page 96 of Unlikely to Stay
“Of course.How else is the baby going to recognize my voice?”
Brant’s eyes went wide.“Hold up.Breckin is pregnant?”
Griffin beamed.“Welcome to the conversation, BB.”
“Wow.Congrats, man.She doesn’t even look pregnant.”
“Thanks.How did younotknow?I figured everyone coming into the clinic would be blabbing it to you.”
“I don’t know.I guess I’ve just been preoccupied.Do you know the gender yet?”
Griff shook his head.“Not yet.We’re going to wait until the baby shower.Apparently, CC and Annie are planning some big gender reveal.”
Brant looked at CC.“You didn’t tell me you were planning a baby shower for your pregnant friend.”
“It wasn’t my secret to tell.But now that Griff spilled the beans…”
“I can’t believe you’ve kept your trap shut,” Griff said.“You’re horrible about keeping secrets.”
CC stuck her tongue out at Griff.“I’m surprised no one has said anything to me while they’re getting their hair cut or colored.The only person who’s even mentioned it has been your grandma.”
“It seemsbothof you have been preoccupied here lately,” Griff said with a knowing grin.“Am I right?”
Brant answered the question for him.“You’re right about that.”
“So things are going well?”
Brant nodded.“Things are going well.”
“Agreed,” CC added.
“Good deal.Don’t let this town bring you down.All the nosey old people just need something to do so they have a purpose for living.”
“Your meemaw is one of the worst ones, Griff,” CC said.“Can’t you do something to control her?”
Griff snorted.“I’ve been trying to figure out a way to do that since I was a teenager.If you figure out something, please let me know.”
Brant laughed.“I don’t think it’s possible, CC.Better just grin and bear it.”
CC’s stomach grumbled.“I’ve been talking too long,” Griff said.“What would you guys like to eat?”
CC and Brant placed their orders and Griff said he would return shortly with their drinks.“So, we’re out in public,” he said.“And only a couple of embarrassing comments.I’d call that a success.”
“I guess.”
“You guess?”
CC rolled her eyes.“Burt and Marty justhadto be here, didn’t they?The two biggest gossiping men in town.We’ll be the talk of the old people, I hope you know that.They’re going to blab it to everyone who walks by their checkers table outside of the café in the morning.”
“No big deal,” Brant said.“I can handle it.Can you?”
CC finally smiled softly.“I can handle it.”
“So since we’ll be the talk of the town anyway, how about we do something this weekend?”
“Like what?”
“I’ve never been to Sophie’s Haven.I was thinking you could show me the ropes.”