Page 33 of The D Appointment
Panic flooded her face.
“Here’s what you’re going to do,” I told her. “You’re going to let Spencer stay with me for a few days, and you aren’t going to call him or text him or contact him in any way. He’s tired, and he needs rest. If you do that, maybe, just maybe, I will let him come back home.”
“I’m still his mother,” she spat out.
“Then, fucking act like it.” I threw her arm at her and spun away. “Get in the car, Spencer,” I said as I strode to the driver’s side.
Marjorie’s eyes darted between Spencer and me. I could sense she was freaking out that he was leaving.
Just as Spencer went to close his door, she yanked it back open. “If you go with Dominick, I’m going to sell your car.”
Spencer’s eyes flew to mine. He was the one in a panic now because he didn’t want to leave his car behind for her to sell, and we both knew he couldn’t drive right now. The ER doctor had given him pain meds—legitimate pain meds—and he wasn’t supposed to be driving.
“Don’t worry about her,” I said in a steady voice.
Her threat was an empty one, but even if it wasn’t, I would get a friend to help me get it later.
Spencer turned back to Marjorie and tugged the door from her grasp. “I gotta go, Mom. I’ll see you in a few days.”
It felt good to know that my brother trusted me as we drove off.
* * *
I closed the door to my brother’s room. He had gone to bed an hour ago, but I’d wanted to make sure he was sleeping before I left to do a few things.
I snagged my keys from the table and headed for my car. I considered calling a friend to help me. Tony had even said he was around if I needed him. But the thing about Tony or most of my other friends was that none of them could help me with the thing I needed the most.
Tonight, there was only one person for that job.
I pulledthe washcloth away from my face and perked up my ears.
Did I hear something, or was it one of my neighbors?
I waited, but when there was nothing, I finished washing my face, turned off the water, and hung up the cloth to dry.
Shutting the light off as I walked out, I heard a noise. It was my front door.
I glanced at the clock to see it was after ten as I hurried out of my bedroom. I suspected I had heard someone knocking the first time, and I didn’t want whoever had shown up so late to leave, figuring it had to be something important.
Even with the urgency running through my veins, I used the peephole before I let in whoever was out there. I was surprised to see Dominick on the other side. After having sex on my couch last night, he’d gotten dressed, kissed me good-bye, and left despite it still being early in the evening. I hadn’t expected him back here so soon.
However, the joking guy who I’d found standing outside my door yesterday was not the same man who was in my hallway tonight. He looked grim, seriousness written all over his face.
I swung open the door, and Dominick immediately pulled me into his arms and swept his tongue into my mouth. One of his strong hands was wrapped around my back as the other gripped my ass.
I didn’t like sleeping in underwear, and I could feel how hard he was through the thin layer of my pajama pants.
I went from getting ready for bed to getting ready for sex in an embarrassingly short amount of time.
When Dominick set me back on my feet, I was breathless and unsure of what day it was.
“Damn, Viv, I got you moaning so loud that the neighbors are going to start coming out of their apartments,” he said with the first hint of a smile. He grabbed both sides of the door trim and leaned forward, his white T-shirt stretching over his chest muscles. “If I didn’t need your help right now, I would take you into your bedroom and fuck you until you screamed my name.”
I sucked in a breath but managed to say, “I don’t scream.”