Page 34 of The D Appointment
“Yet.” He kissed me and backed up. “But in all seriousness, I need you to put on some shoes and come with me.”
I looked down at myself. I was wearing a pair of PJs that weren’t revealing, but the pink and black pattern gave away that they were pajamas. Plus, there was a bigger problem. Two of them actually. “I’m not wearing a bra.”
“Oh, believe me, I noticed.” Dominick licked his bottom lip and glanced down at my chest before his eyes moved back up to mine. “But your sweet nipples are going to have to wait. And you’ll be fine. We’re not going anywhere in public.”
I hesitated. “Promise?”
“Promise. If anything changes, I will buy you a bra myself.”
For some reason, I chose to trust him. “Okay, but I still think I should change,” I said as I went in search of some shoes.
“There’s no point because you won’t be wearing anything for very long,” it sounded like he muttered.
I turned around. “What?”
“Nothing.” He motioned with his hand. “Just put something on your feet, so we can go.”
I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my purse as I pulled out my keys. “Where are we going?” I asked as I locked the dead bolt on my door.
“My mom’s.”
* * *
I had a silent mental freak-out when Dominick said I was going with him to his mother’s house but only for a second. The look on his face let me know this wasn’t something he was looking forward to.
When we pulled up to a run-down trailer, I realized even more how different Dominick and I were.
“Is this where your mother lives?” I asked.
“Yeah. Home sweet home,” he said, his voice full of disdain.
I’d spent most of my life in a nice two-story home in a middle-class neighborhood. And while I’d had a couple friends from school who lived in trailer homes, they had been well kept and clean.
The place Dominick had grown up had seen much better days a long time ago. The paint was peeling and caked in years’ worth of dirt, screens were ripped off windows, and one window was covered with cardboard.
I was almost afraid to get out, and I was ashamed for thinking that about Dominick’s childhood home.
Rubbing my hands over my thighs, I asked, “Okay, what do you need me to do?”
“Not much. I need you to drive before my mother wakes up and sees us.”
I frowned. “That’s it?” I put my hand on his arm, stopping him. “Wait. I’m not going to be some getaway driver, am I?”
He looked at me and laughed. “No,” he said with a shake of his head. “I just need to get my brother’s car.”
I looked over the dash at the old car parked by the trailer home. “We’re not stealing it, are we?”
Laughing again, he pushed open his car door. “Come on, Bonnie. Let’s get this over with before we get caught, breaking the law.”
I scrambled out, rushed over to him, and put a hand on his chest. “Absolutely not. If I get caught, my career is over. Take me home. Right now.”
Dominick threw his head back and laughed. Mystified by his reaction, I dropped my hand and stepped back, but he snaked his arm around my waist and kissed me. I was a sucker for his mouth because I melted into him, and I was so close to saying,Fuck my career, when he released me.
Putting his forehead to mine, he said, “We’re not stealing anything. We’re not doing anything illegal.”
“Then, why do we need to do this before your mother sees us?”
“Because she’s a fucking bitch, and the less I have to deal with her, the better.” He stepped around me and slapped my ass, directing me to his vehicle. “You drive my car. I’ll drive my brother’s.”