Page 80 of The Sacrifice
“Hear me out before you say anything. I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Gunner Sinclair.” He holds his phone in his hand. “I recognized you from the day at the stadium. You were there with Jackson.”
“I didn’t think you’d recognize me.”
“I know I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but….” He shrugs as his eyes dance with merriment. “But…. I did.”
Tony joins us. “Everyone says I’m the busybody. Jackson told us about the custody battle, and you’re stepping out of the way to ensure everything goes according to plan.”
“Is he….” I close my eyes and shake my head. “Never mind.” I inhale and reopen my eyes. I’m not begging for information about him. “Forget I was going to pump you for information like we’re in junior high.”
Gunner chuckles. “It’s fine. I know he’s trying to resolve things as quickly as possible, but the rest you’ll have to talk to him about.” He swipes a finger over his phone screen and turns it toward me. “I heard you talking about needing a job. The daycare at the stadium has an opening. You should apply.”
My heart skips a beat as the lights blink and then surge back to full strength. The rain sputters to a trickle against the windowpanes. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“You have the background and the experience. Besides, I know Jackson doesn’t want you leaving town. It’s a win–win for both of you.”
I scan the screen as blood thuds in my ears. This is it. If I put in for this job, I’m ending my career as a nanny and I’m throwing everything into making things work with Jackson.
Peace settles over me. This is where I belong. I want a relationship with Jackson. I want to prove to him that we belong together. And apologizing for refusing to marry him. Because I want to marry him and have a family. My hands shake. What if he wants more kids and I can’t get pregnant? What then? Will I get him only to lose him later?
“Mia, stop.” Jade places her hand on my shoulder. “You worry too much. Just take a leap for once.”
“Okay. You’re right.” I snatch Gunner’s phone from his hand. “I’ll give you this back in a second.”
Yes, I could get to the site myself. And it’s rude to steal the cellphone of the town’s national treasure, but I’m not risking it. This is my chance to prove I’m all in. I’m severing the lifeline to my career as a nanny. Kansas City is my home. With Jackson and Hadley. He doesn’t get to back out. He said he loved me and wanted to get married, so that’s what’s happening.
Chapter Forty-Three
A Few Days Later
Meeting my brother at Callahan’s Bar was the last thing I wanted to do, but he insisted I wash my hair and leave the house. It’s his house, so I guess he has some say. But I should have gone somewhere else. The music is too loud. The heavy scent of smoke makes my eyes burn. And I want to stab out the eyes of anyone who looks at me.
“Are you going to glare at people all night or drink the cocktail I so kindly purchased you?” Andrew leans back into the cushions and waits for my answer.
“You’re the one who invited me out. Jade didn’t enjoy spending time with me either when she forced me to go to the gym.” I had so much bravado the day at the gym, but it quickly evaporated. I tried to contact Jackson, but he didn’t answer. So, there’s that. “It’s your problem, not mine if I’m not a ray of sunshine with sprinkles on top.” I grab the glass and sip on the straw. The liquid covers my tongue and then slides back down the straw. “Maybe if you’d invited me to Chloe’s Bakery, you’d have gotten better results.”
“Touché.” One corner of his mouth raises, and I smile. I love my brother.
“Thank you for inviting me out.”
“You’re welcome. How was the first day of work?”
“It was great. The director is easy to get along with, and the kids are sweet.”
“How is the pay?”
I arch an eyebrow. “Trying to get me to move out?”
“No.” He shakes his head and downs half his glass of beer. “I enjoy having you around. I’ve never had an organized junk drawer before.”
“You’re welcome.” The smile makes it to my eyes for the first time in weeks. “I promise. I won’t live with you forever, but I don’t have a plan right now.”
“Did you see him at the stadium?”
The waitress drops off a sampler platter at the table beside us, and my mouth waters. Maybe this isn’t such a bad idea after all. I wave her over and select half the appetizer menu.