Page 64 of Claiming What's His
“That wasn’t your place to care!” Jake bellowed.
“It was my money you were trying to spend to do it.” I snapped back. “Before you rolled over and went and found another investor, without even a courtesy call to me to tell me of the change in plans.”
Jake clenched his teeth, unaware that I knew he’d procured other funds for his doomed endeavor. Insert daddy dearest to clean up his son’s mess though.
“Mav, Jake just got ahead of himself here. You remember how it was with your first real chance at a big pay day. You didn’t seem sold on it, so he wanted to pad a few more leads in case you decided against it. But it’s not too late.” He said, shrugging his shoulders like this was the most easy-going natural conversation in the world. When in fact the urge to not leap across my desk and strangle the son of a bitch that deserted Cora at eighteen was nearly more than I could handle. “Now that you are primary owner of the development company, you can split a deal with Jake, take his already drawn up plans and make both of you some cash and just build a business relationship together as you go.” He clapped his hands together like that was a done deal.
I looked from him to Jake, who began pacing around my office with his hands on his hips and I raised an eyebrow at my future father-in-law. “Not interested.”
Both of them stopped moving and stared me down in shock.
“What?” Dennis asked, laughing humorously as he shook his head like he somehow didn’t understand what I’d said.
“What do you mean?” Jake snapped, starting to come unhinged.
“I’m not interested in going into business with you Jake. Your plans don’t meet my standards of class or revenue, therefor I’m going to build to suit myself and I’m vested to make far more money on the deal.”
“Are you fucking kidding me!” Jake roared, jumping towards me, only to be caught by his lanky father just before he really regretted his entire life. I stood up slowly from my desk, as Dexter and Reid stepped forward to flank me as I eyed the two I was going to enjoy ruining the most out of the Valentine line.
“Let me make something explicitly clear to you both.” I said, buttoning my suit jacket and leaning forward, the air of power surrounding me. “This is my empire you’re standing in.” Dennis’ eyes squinted in challenge, the first sign of anger he allowed to show. “Jake came to me for help because everyone in this city knows he’s forlorn in business sense, and that his gold digging wife has bled him dry.” I growled. “No one else will touch you or any deal you try to swing with a ten-foot pole because you’re bad business.” I stood back up and pulled my jacket taught over my chest and licked my lips. “The only reason you’re still standing and not flat on your back with a rearranged face is because of the relationship you built with my father, Dennis. But you have successfully drained that tit dry as well. You won’t get another cent from my family as long as my bloodline runs this corporation, which let me assure, is quickly growing to be a very long line.” I tipped my hand and Dennis’ eyes flared as he caught my intent. “Now respectfully, get the fuck out of my office before I slap your disgraced face all over page six with footage of you on your asses of the sidewalk outside.”
Just then, right on cue, Parker and his security team walked in and stood dauntingly behind them ready to do just what I threatened.
“You’re making a mistake boy.” Dennis said, standing to his full height like he was going to intimidate me even though I physically towered over him in height and weight.
“Your mistake was thinking you brought any value to my business and that it was going to cushion your ride to my money.” I nodded to security, and they stepped forward, indicating this meeting was over.
They left in a flare of curses and veiled threats but within minutes the lobby to my office was empty and quiet as the three of us stood silently, absorbing it all.
“Well that went exactly like I had expected.” Dexter deadpanned and pulled his phone from his pocket, scrolling through his email.
“Thanks for being here for it.” I said, nodding to first him and then to Reid.
“Wouldn’t dream of missing out on all the fun.” Reid joked and swallowed down the rest of his liquor. “So your bloodline is growing, huh?” He asked with a mischievous grin on his face, which was enough to get Dexter’s out of his phone as I sat on the hook. “Does Cora know she’s going to be a step mommy?”
“Fuck off.” I grunted and grabbed the glass from his fingers and set it in the sink to be washed and grabbed one of my own. “What are you two doing this Saturday night?” I asked as I poured myself three fingers of my favorite bourbon and prepared myself for their inquisition.
“Preferably a brunette or two.” Reid answered instantly without a drop of humor in his voice.
Dexter rolled his eyes at our friend’s man-whore ways, something we’d all tried to force him to grow out of but were grossly unsuccessful. “I’m free.” He said, pocketing his phone and putting his hands in his slacks, “What’s on the agenda?”
“My wedding.” I replied, tossing back half of my drink as they stared back, waiting for the punch line.
When they didn’t get it, Reid stuttered, “Wait, seriously?”
“Seriously. My ring is on Cora’s finger and the wedding is planned for this Saturday at Ivy House.”
“Wait, what?” Reid said, shaking his head again as his bachelor brain tried to process my words.
Dexter got a shit eating grin on his face and stepped forward, shaking my hand, and pulling me into an aggressive man hug, slapping my back and congratulating me. “No fucking shit man, congrats!” He praised genuinely. “That’s the best idea you’ve ever had.”
I laughed and pushed him off of me and leveled my finger at him, “I’m tempted to agree with you, if I wasn’t sure you were trying to be an asshole about it in return.”
He tilted his head back and laughed a full genuine laugh and I was struck by the fact that I didn’t know the last time I’d seen Dexter Chase sincerely happy and laughing openly like this. It felt good to see one of my longest friends let the tension out of his shoulders for a moment. “I’m happy for you both. She seems amazing. Hell, the way she handled Sue at Pandora’s Patio the other night, she’s a force to be reckoned with. The perfect match for you.”
“Wait!” Reid snapped out of his shock and waved his hands around wildly. “Married?” He asked, “You? How? Why?” His brain misfired.
“Well Reid, when a man loves a woman…” Dexter joked, and Reid punched him in the arm before putting both hands on my shoulders.