Page 65 of Claiming What's His
“Are you sure?” He asked, “I mean you’ve only had her back for a… a fucking week.” He shook his head again. “Don’t you think it’s rushing it? You don’t even know her anymore. What if she’s only interested in –”
“Watch it.” I commanded in a voice I only used for my most serious business deals.
“I don’t mean anything bad by it Mav, I like Cora. You know that. I just… married? This week?”
“And hopefully expecting a week or two after that.” I affirmed.
“Jesus fuck.” Reid gasped and clutched his chest dramatically.
Dexter snorted, “Careful Mav, you’re liable to make his head pop clear off his shoulders at the mere thought of his bachelor buddy Maverick Jones becoming domesticated.” I watched him as he joked with Reid but caught the way he spun his wedding ring with his thumb as he laughed and my heart wondered what he genuinely thought about the idea of me getting married, considering his own relationship status.
“I just… damn.” Reid said and walked back over to the liquor cabinet and poured a full glass, slamming it back before pouring another one.
“I get it.” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. “I don’t expect you to understand, and I get why it sounds abrupt to you, but that’s only because you didn’t know us together before. If you did, you wouldn’t even blink about this.”
“What do your parents think about it?” Dexter asked.
“They’re fucking ecstatic. We were there yesterday, and it was like not a drop-in time passed between the three of them. They always loved her more than they loved me or Luke anyway because she never gave them any gray hair. She kept us out of trouble for the most part so they’re over the moon to have her back.”
“Good man, I’m glad. And count me in, I’ll be there.” He said, once again putting his hand out for me to shake and then nodding to Reid. “Jump on board, or he’ll leave your ass behind for her. She’s far prettier than you are my man.” He joked. Reid flipped him off and drank more. “Well I’d love to stay and chat with you two girls about flower choices and dress colors, but I have work to do.” With that he walked out, calling over his shoulder as he went. “Being the obvious choice for best man, I’ll make sure your bachelor party is all set for Friday night, so make sure you’re ready.”
As soon as he was out my office door Reid turned on me with a scandalized look on his face, “He is not your best man! No fucking way! Over my dead fucking body.” He roared.
I rolled my eyes and walked back to my desk. “I’m not having a best man, and I’m not having a bachelor party either.”
“Blasphemy!” He scoffed. “If you’re getting hitched, you’re getting straight drunk the night before, it’s my right!”
“Your right?” I laughed and sat down, grabbing my phone. “I didn’t realize you were a part of this wedding.”
“There won’t be a wedding if I don’t get to throw you a party first.”
“Excuse me?” I laughed again, enjoying this obnoxious banter with my best friend. “Get out of my office so I can call Cora and tell her that her brother and dad are gone, and she doesn’t have to hide anymore.”
He turned around and huffed his way out towards the elevators. “Don’t bother, I’m going down to talk to the bride right now. I’ll tell her.”
“Reid!” I warned but he was already punching the button to the elevator and filliped me off again.
“Married.” He scoffed to himself, drawing a peculiar look from Veronica as she looked back into my office, catching my stare before dropping hers back down to her desk as I hit the button to close my door.
I dialed Cora’s number as I contemplated silently on what to do about Veronica as my Fiancé answered her cell phone on the second ring.
“Hello handsome.” She hummed and I growled.
“Come up to my office. I’m ravenous for you.” I said in place of a greeting.
She chuckled and I heard the noise from the street around her as she said something to someone. “I can’t. I’m out to lunch, asking Nat if she’ll hold my wedding dress so I can pee Saturday night. It’s quite a task for a new friend but I think she’s up to it.”
I leaned back in my seat and imagined her perfect face smiling as she talked to me. “I’ll hold it for you.” I offered.
“Not a chance.”
“Why not? I’ve watched you pee before.”
“Oh I know. But then you’d get to see my special wedding night lingerie if you looked under my skirt, and we both know you’d peek given the chance.”
“Special wedding night lingerie?” I asked, reaching down to palm my growing erection. “Do tell me more.”
“Nope, I can’t.” She said cheekily, “It’s a surprise. One I’m on my way to shop for as we speak so I have to let you go. Enjoy your less than fulfilling lunch and think of me. I’ll see you after work.” I heard Nat cackling next to her and imagined them walking down the street of New York City happy and joking and it warmed my heart, knowing not only did she have something worth laughing about, but that she had someone to do it with after spending so much of her life alone these last years.