Page 55 of Hidden Lies
Reluctantly, I place the car in gear and head to the East with Lucy.
“Fine, but you’re staying in the car.”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Ismooth the hem of my dress, wondering where we’re headed. I send a text to Linda. She gives me a rundown on what is going on and warns me it’s best not to come, but I need to. My father gave me strict instructions to get involved if it’s something to do with the Southside GuNz.
I just hope this doesn’t blow up in my face. It is now or never. I have to find the intel so I can protect the Kings, even if it means Mason finding out about Alex. Hopefully, he doesn’t pick up on it. Alex is most likely messing with another girl by now.
If they make a move, I have to respond. The guys are starting the football season. College differs from high school because they televise it. The media monitors players that are good and the guys are superb. All four have exceptional talent. Mason is a beast on the field, and he really loves the game. It would raise suspicion if they were suddenly absent, and they won’t have a good alibi if something happens.
We arrive in a parking lot of what looks like a car show but really is a car meetup for the Kings and their friends to hang out. I heard from Linda that these kinds of things can get wild. The engine of Mason’s car roars, and every head turns in our direction. He stops and I can hear the bass from different lowriders mixing with the sound of Mason’s music blaring through the speakers.
Hector, Ricky and Richy’s brother, come up to Mason’s window. Mason lowers the window and Hector leans in. His brows rise when he sees me. “Damn,ese. I didn’t know you were busy,patrón. My bad.”
“It’s all good, Hector. I was taking her home when you called me to handle this thing with Cholito’s kid.”
I’m not sure if I should feel disappointed that he brushed me off in front of Hector, like he’s only my ride home. But I’m used to that. I’m just his best friend’s twin sister and I will be nothing more than just a hidden lie. If he only knew I have a few of my own.
People openly stare at Mason’s sports car that’s out of place compared to the classic lowriders and their expensive paint jobs. I spot Linda and quickly open the door, getting out and softly shutting the door while Mason is engrossed in his conversation with Hector.
“Lucy, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” he calls out.
I ignore him and walk to Linda, who gives me a big grin as she leans on her classic lowrider.
“What’s up?” I ask. “I heard about the shit going down with thatchavalo.”
Linda grins. “I told you not to come but I see you’re rolling with one of the big dogs.”
“Nah, the others were doing their own thing. I was hungry and needed a ride. Frat parties are really not my thing.”
Movement from my right catches my attention, and I see Alex making out with a girl against his car, parked two spaces down. My gaze finds Linda’s, and she gives me a grim expression. I should feel hurt or angry, but honestly, I kind of figured. Linda tried to warn me because she must have overheard us the other night in Alex’s bedroom. It was our last night together.
“I’m sorr—”
I lift my hand, halting what she was going to say, and smile. “It’s all good. It didn’t mean anything, obviously.”
“It doesn’t matter and it’s too soon. It’s still fucked up,” Linda says.
A member of the Kings walks up, and I recognize him. Joaquin. My father appointed him as the leader of the LA chapter of the Hillside Kings. He’s only four years older than me, making him about twenty-two.
“What’s fucked up?” Joaquin asks, standing next to Linda, eyeing me.
A girl with heavy makeup, khakis, and a cropped bandanna top walks up and says, “Aren’t you a little lost,ese? The west is that way.” She points toward the other side of town. “You might break a nail or get fucked up if you keep looking at me like that.”
My gaze scans her face. Who is this skank bitch sizing me up? I realize I don’t quite fit in because of what I’m wearing. Joaquin is the only one whoreallyknows who I am. When I trained with my father’s men, Joaquin taught me the rules on the streets of LA: Where if you walk on the wrong street, the colors you wear will decide if someone shoots you.
My guess is she has a thing for Joaquin. I give her a sarcastic smile. “I would be careful with how you talk to me.”
“Or what?” she says with clenched teeth, balling her hands into fists.
I’m guessing she wants to throw down.
“You need to chill, Miranda,” Joaquin says. “I’m sorry, Luciana. She doesn’t know.”
Linda pinches her brows in confusion, listening to the familiarity Joaquin addresses me with. More members crowd around, including Mason, Hector, and now Alex and the girl he was messing around with.