Page 56 of Hidden Lies
My head tilts toward the aggressive girl and I give her a big smile. “I suggest you take advice from Joaquin.”
“Whatcha going to do,puta?”
“Lucy, what the fuck are you doing out here?” Mason scolds me in front of everyone.
I ignore him, and Alex glances at me with a shocked face. When my eyes meet his, he lowers his gaze before he looks at the girl named Miranda. “Back off, Miranda,” he says.
“Who is she, Smiley? Why is everyone trying to warn me about this prissy bitch? I’m gonna knock her the fuck out.”
Joaquin laughs. “Relax,hynita. You need to keep quiet, or you won’t make it back home. I told you to chill the fuck out. I don’t get involved with women and their shit, but I have to warn you. You don’t know who you are messing with.”
“Orale,” Alex says.
Joaquin eyes me worriedly because he knows I have to scare this bitch straight. “I’m sorry,reina,” he says.
Mason has a murderous expression on his face. “Lucy, get in the car.” He gives Joaquin and Smiley a hard glare.
I snicker. “No, Mase. I think she needs to understand. She needs to learn when they give her an order, she needs to follow it. Better yet…” I look Miranda dead in the eyes. “After you find out who I am, you will not set foot around the Kings again. We don’t need stupid little bitches causing problems when there are none. They have enough on their plate right now.”
She squares up like she is going to hit me, and I slide my heels off in a flash and grab the bitch by the hair. She wails in pain. Everyone takes a step back, and I slam her against the nearest car and stick my free hand in her mouth.
“You should have listened to Joaquin, bitch.” Her eyes widen and tears are gathering quickly. Her expression is now laced with fear. My nostrils flare while everyone stands still, shock marring their faces. “Give me your piece, Joaquin. Now.” He hands it to me without question.
“What the fuck?” Mason says. “What are you doing, Lucy?”
I replace my hand inside Miranda’s mouth with the gun’s barrel. “I’m not some prissy bitch from the west. My father isEl Diablo,head of the cartel. They may be Kings but I’m a fucking queen. I will blow your fucking brains out all over this fucking parking lot and I won’t flinch cutting the rest of you up and throwing you in the desert somewhere.”
She whimpers and I ease off her. She shivers and shakes as she slides down onto the pavement. I clear the gun and hand it back to Joaquin.
“How the fuck do you know Joaquin, Lucy?” Alex asks behind me.
Giving him a hard glare, I point my finger toward him. “I have nothing to say to you. So, back off.”
I turn to walk away but Mason stands in my way. “How do you know Joaquin?”
“That is none of your business. What’s going on with thechavalo?”
“Nothing you should get involved with and you need to go home. Let’s go.” He grabs my arm in a tight grip, but not enough for it to hurt. He must have a million questions, just like Alex and Linda do right now.
“Let go of me,” I say through clenched teeth.
“No,” he says, a muscle ticcing rapidly in his jaw. Mason is furious with me right now, but he will be even more furious when he finds out the truth.
Alex moves forward, shrugging the girl off his body. “Let go of her,” he says in a voice laced with steel.
Mason’s head whips toward Alex. “What’d you say,puto?” he snarls.
Everyone steps back in fear. Mason is massive and strong, his arms bulging from his Louis Vuitton polo shirt as he releases his grip on me.
Linda gives me a napkin to wipe my feet before handing me my heels.
After putting on my shoes, I move toward Alex. “Stop it. Alex, back off.”
“I don’t like the way he is touching you,hermosa. I know you’re mad at me right now for speaking up, but I won’t let anyone touch you like that.”
Oh shit. Mason studies me as it dawns on him that Alex and I are a little more than just acquainted. He looks at me and then back at Alex with fury. He stands to his full height and his forearms flex. I never wanted this to happen. For Mason and Alex to square off.
“You’ve been fucking Lucy?” Mason asks Alex, his voice laced with malice.