Page 33 of Broken
It was like he breathed her name.
The way he used to.
“Hello, Ren,” she managed, keeping her tone as light as possible. “They’d given your things to me, since you’d told them I was your emergency contact.” She held the bag up. “Good as new.”
“Great!” His smile reached his eyes.
It shot straight through her.
“Is my phone in there?” he asked, and she grimaced.
“Okay, not everything is good as new.” She placed the bag on the ground and pulled his phone out, the shattered mess that it was.
“Ah, damn.” His smile had faded, and he took the phone from her, careful to not cut his fingers on the broken glass. “Guess I need a new one of these.”
“Yeah, well, I managed to get most of the blood out of your clothing. Some more peroxide should do the trick.”
“You washed my clothes?” One corner of his mouth lifted.
Her stupid heart responded by skipping the slightest of beats.
“Well, I didn’t want to give them back to you the way they were.”
“I appreciate it.”
An uncomfortable silence fell between them as Katrina did her best to avoid looking into his eyes. What if he remembered her holding his hand? What if he remembered her kisses that she never should have done but had been second nature? What if...
“Please, sit.”
She nodded once and sank into the chair, damning her racing heart and her palms that had begun to sweat.
“How are you?”
“How am I?” Her eyes met his finally. “You disappear from my life for years and you want to know how I am?”
She crossed her arms as she inhaled sharply. “Fine.”
“Fine as in you’re fine, or fine as in you’ll tell me how you really are?”
“I’m angry, okay?” She muttered a curse as tears threatened to surface. “I’m angry, I’m hurt, I’m confused.”
“I understand.”
“And would you stop being so nice to me? Please?”
“I can’t help it.”
She turned her head away from him to hide the one lone tear that fell. Brushing it away, she faced him once more. “What were you doing on Willow Creek Road?”
His face paled and his eyes clouded over. “It’s complicated,” was all he said.
“Complicated. How’s this for complicated? You told me you loved me, you said that this is what it was supposed to be like, and then you left. You just left, and damn it, I want answers. I don’t want small talk. Fuck small talk.”
“And fuck you while we’re at it.”