Page 34 of Broken
“I deserve that.”
“You deserve much more than that, believe me.” Hot tears spilled down her face and she found herself unable to stop them.
It was Lorenzo’s turn to inhale sharply. “Trina, please don’t cry. Fuck, please don’t.”
“And why the hell not? Does it make you feel guilty? You know what? Good. You should feel guilty.”
“I do.”
“You shattered my heart. You broke me, Ren. And now you’re sitting here in a hospital bed asking me how I’m doing as if you didn’t shatter me into a million pieces that I still haven’t found all the parts of.”
His eyes slid shut and his head bowed slightly. When he looked back up at her, his eyes were dark.
“I deserve all of this.”
“And more, but I’m not about to kick you in your balls while you’re laid up in a hospital.”
One small laugh left him.
“Oh, fuck you, this is not funny.”
And another.
“Damn it, Ren, I said this is not funny.”
As her voice rose, so did his eyebrows, and a half grin was on his face.
“Oh, I hate you,” she said as she hid her face from him unwilling to show her expression.
The one that was smiling now.
The one that would always collapse in a fit of giggles after she’d lost her temper.
Only because he would bring out that side of her.
“Please don’t.”
His words stopped her cold. “Don’t what?” she asked, turning back to him, tears still clinging to her lashes.
“Don’t hate me, Trina. You promised you never would.”
“Yeah, well, you promised a bunch of shit yourself.”
His eyes dropped as he nodded once, acknowledging the hurt he’d caused.
That was enough to start her tears again.
“I have to go,” she mumbled, fumbling with her keys as she stood.
“No, Trina, wait.” The urgency in his voice made her pause and look at him once more. “Please...please stay. Give me all kinds of hell, tell me what a horrible person I am. I know because I’ve had to live with it every day. Someday I’ll tell you what happened, but not today. Please not today.”
“Why do you want me here?” she asked, then remembered.
“No.” Lorenzo was shakinghis head despite Katrina’s insistence.