Page 7 of Never Let Me Go
Neil didn’t know it yet, but Rob had him. Always did.
“Don’t leave.”
“You said you needed me. I came. End of story.”
“No.” Rob bit his bottom lip.
“No? What are you, Rob, a kid?” Neil sneered.
“You’re hurt, that’s understandable.”
“I’m hurt? Fuck you, Rob. Not a word from you for ten years and now you’re asking me not to leave?”
“Demanding you not to leave,” Rob corrected.
Neil snarled softly under his breath. Rob took that opportunity to catch the end of Neil’s tie and tug him close for a kiss. Despite the rain, Rob forgot all about the cold once Neil’s body touched his.
Neil’s resistance didn’t last long. He clasped the back of Rob’s neck, locking their lips together in a fervent and passionate kiss. Rob rubbed his body against Neil’s, enjoying Neil’s hands roaming possessively all over him.
Stupid clothes got in the way. They had to go.
Taking over, Neil sucked and bit, thrusting heat into Rob’s mouth. It took Rob all the way back to the first time they’d kissed. In the cover of night, Rob had stolen down to Neil’s bunk, snuggled in close, and told Neil to ward off the dark.
“How?” he remembered Neil asking.
“Kiss me. Make me forget,” he’d replied.
God. Rob had always loved defiance, relished breaking all the rules, but only Neil understood his true self, that all his snark had been a front, an armor he used so he could face the rest of the world. He opened his mouth wider, letting Neil thrust his tongue down his throat. Rob felt his cock painfully straining against the zipper of his trousers. He didn’t need to look down to know Neil sported a hard-on.
Abruptly, Neil tore his mouth away. They both started to pant. One kiss and a single glance had been enough to tell his step-brother how much Rob missed him, needed him.
“We can’t do this here. Not near their graves,” Neil muttered.
“Don’t leave,” Rob said, letting Neil hear the desperation in his voice.
Neil held out his hand. Rob looked at him distrustfully. “Come on. You’ll catch a cold at this rate.”
Relieved, Rob laced their fingers together, like they’d done in secret when they were younger.
Lifting their linked hands, Rob planted a kiss on Neil’s knuckles. “I’ll make it up to you for all the years we’ve spent apart. I promise.”
A hungry look crossed Neil’s expression, full of lust and raw want. “I’ll hold you to that, baby.”
Rob grinned. “Finally calling each other pet names now?”
“It’s long overdue.” They walked back to the cemetery car park, encountering no one along the way.
Neil broke away to fish the key out of his pocket. Spotting his ride, Rob whistled.
“Sweet. When did you get a black Phantom Rolls-Royce? How does she run?”
“Good enough, but she’s an impulse buy. I’ll probably trade it in for a cheaper car.”
Rob glanced thoughtfully at the convertible. Seeing Neil’s frown, he asked, “What?”
“I know that look. That means you’re up to something.”
“Do you now?” Rob ran a hand up Neil’s arm. “Tell me, Neil. Have you ever had sex in the back of a Phantom?”
To his shock, Neil returned his grin, cluing Rob in to the fact that Neil must have changed over the years. Nonetheless, bits and pieces of Neil, the parts Rob loved, remained the same.
“Can’t say I have. Get that sweet ass inside.”
Neil unlocked the back. Scooting in, Rob winced at the thought of getting the leather seats wet. Well, considering what they were about to do, it didn’t matter. Joining him, Rob shut the car door behind him and locked the doors.