Page 8 of Never Let Me Go
Chapter Two
Nervous, Rob rubbed his hands over his knees. He’d never had a problem with sexual intimacy. To sate his desires, he’d settled for one-night-stands and hook-ups in gay bars, but all that time, it was Neil’s face he’d imagined.
Part of Rob knew he shouldn’t bother finding a replacement, because he’d known in his heart and soul Neil was the one. Others spent all their lives searching for that one individual to complete them. Neil had been standing in front of him all his life, except their relationship always came with complications. In the beginning, the lure of the forbidden had driven their actions. Now though, they were older, adults who knew exactly what they wanted. Each other.
Screw the rest of the world.
“I—” Rob hesitated. What else could he say?
He gasped when Neil mimicked his earlier gesture, tugging at his tie to bring him close.
“Tongue-tied, Rob? That’s rare for you.”
Neil’s gaze demanded a response, so Rob gave him the painful truth. “I don’t want to hurt you again.”
Narrowing his eyes, Neil undid his tie with deft and careful fingers, the gesture strangely erotic. “You won’t. I make my own choices, Rob.”
“This isn’t just a one-time thing for me.”
“I know. Didn’t you say we’re finally free to do what we want?”
“It’s…” Rob hesitated, biting on his lower lip. “Just like that?”
“Why make things complicated? I’ve been fucking waiting for you for the longest time, Rob. You’re the same. I knew why you kept your distance. I can’t forgive you for that yet, but I will. You know I can’t stay mad at you long.”
Rob’s lips curved into a smile. “I know. We bicker, we fight, but in the end, we always stick together, thick and thin.”
“I can’t say the same for most marriages.” Neil brought him close for a kiss, hand slipping to the button of his trousers. “Tell me, Rob. What do you want most of all in the world?”
“You. Us.”
“Let’s make that a reality.”
Rob groaned when Neil dragged the zipper of his trousers down, but he grabbed Neil’s hand.
Raising his eyebrows, Neil asked, “Changed your mind?”
“Let me.” Neil let Rob undo his bottoms and pull out his shaft. At the sight of Neil’s long, semi-erect and thick dick, he licked his lips in anticipation. “I missed you.”
“Are you talking about me or my dick?” Neil asked, amused.
“Both.” Rob lowered his head into Neil’s lap, relieved to feel the pressure of Neil’s fingers threading into his hair. He always liked a little bite to his pleasure and Neil knew.
“Remind me how much you missed my cock,” Neil ordered.
God. Rob missed that too, Neil’s domineering side when they were in the bedroom. He’d always known he loved submitting to a powerful man capable of sending him to his knees. Only Neil was capable of doing that. Neil craved power exchange as much as him.
Rob flicked his tongue over the pre-cum gathered at Neil’s tip, swirling it around his cock head with relish. The familiar taste of Neil filled his mouth, tangy and a little salty. Groaning above him, Neil tightened his grip on his hair.
“Don’t tease.”
Rob disobeyed him on that account. He’d spent too many lonely nights, thinking about this very moment. Taking his time, he licked Neil’s length from crown to base. Neil’s balls, Rob didn’t neglect. He took each one in his mouth, sucking at them.
“Enough, baby.”
Damn. Rob doubted he’d ever get tired of that term of endearment. When Neil pushed his shaft between his lips, Rob opened wide and began giving Neil the best blow job of his life. Applying suction with every inch, Rob bobbed his head up and down. Hearing the sounds of pleasure coming from Neil’s mouth and knowing he was the cause—that was an incredible turn on.
“I’m close,” Neil said with panting breaths.