Page 10 of Deviant Bastards

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Page 10 of Deviant Bastards

Barker nudges past me as Gryffin stands by the door. He doesn’t say anything, he just watches me taking in the area that he has made into his safe space. “Books are over there,” Gryffin says as he points to the left side of his room.Somebooks, my ass! The wall before me is every reader’s dream bookshelf. You can’t even see the wall, it’s just one giant bookshelf. Hundreds of books are lined up, creating a miniature library. As I get closer, I begin to make out some of the titles. He has everything fromThe Preachers Daughterby Melissa Adams toForever Changedby Amber Nicole. He even hasRuthless Monstersby Tatum Rayne, which is by far my favourite book to read. That surprises me becauseRuthless Monstersis a dark and twisty read with an amazing badass Female Main Character and a slightly psychotic Male Character. “Huh,” I murmur to myself. As I pull it from the shelf, Gryffin sucks in a breath. I look at him, and he raises a brow in question. “Just didn’t expect the big, bad gangster to have this kind of book on his shelf,” I chuckle, which earns me a smirk from him.Holy fuck, the world might end. “Yeah, well, what can I say. I like my girls a little crazy and psychotic,” he laughs. “Have you read it before?” he asks as I hold the book, carefully flipping through the pages and finding that it has gorgeous inside pages. The author really went all out with this book. “Yup, a few times, actually. It’s one of my favourites. I like Liam the best,” I say with a grin because Liam is exactly my type of guy. He’s a whole lot of crazy wrapped in a gorgeous package. “Of course, you do,” he returns my grin.

I whisper my thanks, and with my shadow watching my every move, I walk back to my room. I flop down onto my bed, opening the book up as Barker takes up his post outside my door again. “Close the door, would you?” I ask as I get comfortable and start reading.

Instead of shutting the door like I requested, the bastard decides to invade my space. Barker kicks his boots off and climbs onto the bed beside me. I put the book down and side eye him. “What the fuck are you doing?” I ask him because I didn’t invite him into my personal space, the big bastard just invited himself. He just looks at me with a smirk on his face as he gets comfortable. “Doing my job, what’s it look like?” he responds unhelpfully. I pick up the book again and jump into reading it, completely ignoring the tattooed monster lounging on my bed.

* * *


I lie back further on the bed as my Little Brawler does her best to ignore my presence. She’s engrossed in one of Gryffin’s books. This one has a girl on the cover with three guys in masks standing behind her. I don’t know how the guy reads all those books; they bore the shit out of me. I’d much prefer to work out in the gym or pound someone’s face in if I’m feeling particularly pissed off. When we suggested to Ric that we move her out of the basement and into the main house, he was more than a little skeptical. Her little display earlier has only reinforced his doubt. She will be watched at all times by at least two of us, and she won’t ever be alone in a room, that way, she can’t get the jump on us.

Although, we decided that amongst ourselves because nobody wanted to be the one to tell Ric that we almost lost our leverage. He would have flipped his shit, and one of us would have ended up bleeding or dead. Little Brawler ignores me as she continues reading, so I take the opportunity to watch her. She has on a tight-fitting vest top that shows off her gorgeous tits, and the leggings that she’s wearing cling to her hips and arse. Her long brown hair hangs over one shoulder while her tattoos play peek-a-boo behind her top. I can’t help but wonder just how much of her body has ink.I was kinda busy the last time I got the opportunity to look.

A low whine from the doorway draws my attention from the Little Brawler at my side. Nanuke, my nine-month-old husky, comes sauntering into the room. He whines again from the side of the bed as Harley becomes aware that he’s joined us here in the room. “Oh my god, look how gorgeous you are,” she coos at him, which makes the little shit jump up onto the bed. He slinks across me and lands straight in her lap, knocking her book out of her hands. She scratches behind his ears, and oh, how I wish it were me getting that type of attention from her.

“Nuke, get down,” I growl at him, but the little fucker just rolls over onto his back and waits for Harley to rub his belly.Little fucker.Once he’s had his pet, he slinks to the bottom of the bed and flops himself down. I expect Harley to say something, but instead, she picks her book back up and goes straight back to reading again.

“B, you’re needed at the main gate,” Gadge says as he comes into the room. “Then, when you’re done, Ric wants us all in his office.” I get up from the bed and whistle for Nuke to follow, but the big, furry fucker is fast asleep at the foot of Harley’s bed. “He can stay,” she says, never once taking her eyes off of the book in her hands. Gadge takes up guard outside of her room, and I glare at him as I pass.

“What?” he questions. The fucker knows that we agreed to stay in the room with her, and yet, he stands outside.What the fuck is going on?“You staying out here?” I ask for confirmation. He nods his head and drops his gaze to the floor. “Um, yeah. Ric says he doesn’t want us in her space.” The little fucker told him. Well...shit.This meeting is going to be as fun as getting food poisoning. As I make my way to the main gate, I find Aiden talking to some redhead. It takes me a minute before I realise who it is.

“Ineedto talk to him; does he even know that I’m here?” Her whiny voice asks. Aiden says something to her, but his voice is a low menacing murmur, and I can’t make it out. “The fuck are you doing here, Carson?” I hiss as I approach them. “Looking for you, baby, since you’ve been avoiding my calls.” She says, her eyes lighting up as she takes a step towards me, and I back up a little bit. Gadge should’ve given me a heads up that this crazy arse bitch was here, again. After all, he has eyes on the main entrance, or at least he should if he’s in his dungeon.

“Ignoring you should have been your first clue that I want fuck all to do with you. We fucked once, now fuck off,” I bark at her. Fucking bitch is crazy if she thinks that I’m keeping her around, especially now. I don’t want her brand of crazy getting anywhere near Little Brawler, which would only end in a fucking blood bath. I pause for a minute, thinking over my situation, but decide to stick with my original plan. “Get her the fuck out of here, Aiden,” I say as I start to walk back towards the house. “I’m pregnant,” she blurts out. I turn around and pin her with a glare. “Well, it ain’t fucking mine,” I counter. I know this for a fact because I made damn sure that I was gloved before I went anywhere fucking near her.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. “Please, Barker,” she pleads, and it’s a pathetic look on her. I stalk closer to her, wrapping my hand around her throat. “Listen, you pathetic little bitch, get the fuck out of here before I make you. If you’re pregnant, then it sure as fuck isn’t mine. I wore a condom. Find one of the many other guys that you probably shagged after I left. You ever come back here again, and I swear to fuck you will regret it.” I let her go and watch as she crumbles to the ground, sucking in a breath. “Crazy fucking bitch.”

I make my way back towards the house; my mood thoroughly gone to shit now. So much so that I almost knock one of the new grunts on his arse as I pass him. “Watch it dickhead,” I growl as the colour drains from his face. “The fuck is wrong with you?” Ric asks as he comes out of his office. “Not fucking now,” I huff, shaking my head as I stomp off towards the gym.

“Meeting in my office in half an hour, B,” Kendric’s voice says just as the gym door slams behind me with a thud. Thirty minutes later, I’ve punched the fuck out of the bag. My arms are sore, and I’m sweating like I just fucking ran through a sprinkler. I quickly jump in the shower before making my way towards Ric’s office. Walking in, I find that I’m the first one here. “Want to tell me what the fuck happened earlier?” Kendric asks as I take a seat opposite him. “Carson,” is all I say. He levels me with a glare. “Is she going to be a problem that needs dealing with?” he asks, taking a deep breath as if he was disappointed. I shake my head and tell him that I’ve dealt with it already. The door opens and in walks the guys with Little Brawler in tow, Nanuke close on her heels. I instantly reach for her, pulling her into my lap because I need the comfort that I found within her when I was with her earlier today. I see Kendric’s eyebrows almost leap off of his head while he glares at me, and a snarl rises out of him. He watches as Little Brawler doesn’t fight me, but instead, she snuggles into my chest, completely oblivious to the threat that I can see in Ric’s gaze.



When I followed Gryffin and Dayton into Kendric’s office, I couldn’t help the feeling of apprehension that settled in my stomach. None of them have told me what theactualplan for me is, and that makes me nervous because this could go south really quickly. I could easily end up dead. Although, that would only happen if Ric and the guys want an all-out war. But still, I’m getting nervous. I mean, sure, I’m strong, but am I strong enough to take on these guys all by myself?Nope, definitely fucking not.

Barker re-adjusts me in his lap so that we’re facing Ric, and he straightens in his chair. Nanuke lifts his head from the spot on the floor right at my feet. Patting his head, I take a moment to look around the room and notice that his office is styled completely opposite to my father’s; the only similarity is that they each have a huge desk that takes up a lot of room. Ric has a matte, black desk and sits upon a plush, leather chair that he seems to use as a throne. He looks like a mother-fucking king behind that desk. There are no family photos hanging in this room, but there are pictures of cars. Everything from American muscle to a Lamborghini.Ugh, men and their cars.

There is a sofa against the wall to the left of the door, which is where I sit in Barker’s lap. While I look around, Ric pins me with his cerulean blue stare. If I stared at him long enough, I could get lost in the colour of his eyes, but as it stands right now, I can barely stand to look at him. So, instead, I turn my head and wait for the other guys to take their seats.

“Your father knows that you’re missing, but as of right now, he has no idea where you are or why you have been taken.” He informs me. His voice is smooth like velvet, and it sends a rush of liquid straight to my pussy.God damn these men and the effects that they have on my body.I watch Kendric, checking his face for any sign of what his plans for me are, but he gives nothing away. His face is stoic, and he has a slight frown, which tells me he’s not happy about something.

“So, what’s the plan then?” Barker asks him. Their whole dynamic kind of confuses me a little because most leaders don’t like when their guys interrupt them, but Kendric doesn’t seem fazed by Barker’s question.

“We are going to ring daddy-dearest and let him know exactly who has his precious little princess. And you aren’t going to say a fucking word,” he says as he stares me down. I smirk at him and mime zipping my lips. He really has no idea what my father will do the second that he finds out who has me. Gryffin hands Ric a phone, and I watch in morbid fascination as he dials my father’s number.

“Who the fuck is this?” My father’s very pissed off voice booms through the line. “Shut up and listen, fuckface. I have your precious little princess.” Kendric sneers, making my father fall silent for a moment, most likely trying to figure out who he’s talking to. “I know you ordered the hit on my father, and until you admit to your mistake, she will remain here with us.”

“You stupid, little fucker. Do you have any idea what I will do to you!” My father yells. I can hear the muffled sounds of his men in the background. “Little Princess, I’m coming for you,” Deacon’s voice says just seconds before Ric hangs up. He throws the phone back to Gryffin, who promptly stomps on it, crushing the phone under his boot.

I grin like the Cheshire cat. “Big mistake, boys,” is all I say as I saunter out of the room with Nanuke right behind me. I find it funny howhisdog has taken a liking to me, following me around everywhere. My father will no doubt be scrambling to get his men together as we speak. He will have Deacon looking for everyone and anyone associated with Kendric’s crew, and Barrett will be doing everything that he can to try and trace where the phone call came from. After all, Barrett is our best hacker and can find anyone almost instantaneously. But somehow, I’m sure that Ric is prepared for everything. As I walk back towards my room, I can’t help but let my thoughts drift to Ellie. She must be so scared, wondering where I am and if I’m coming back for her. I wonder if I should just let the guys know about her.

I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t spot Aiden until I collide with him. “Shit! Where the fuck did you come from, you big arsehole?” I grumble as my arse hits the floor, and pain shoots up my hips, all the way up into my back. He chuckles at me as he holds out a hand to help me up. “Perhaps you should watch where you’re going then, little girl.” He drawls as he pulls me up, his hands linger a little too long around mine. Nanuke releases a low, threatening growl, and I jerk my hand out of his grip and step around him. As I get further away from him, I can still feel his gaze on me. A shiver of revulsion runs up my spine. There’s something about him that makes me feel uneasy.

I’ve noticed that, so far, none of the guys have followed me. I want to use this moment of freedom to make a run for it, but I would have to pass by Ric’s office on my way to the front door. So instead, I use this time to explore the rooms on this floor. Most of the doors are locked, but there’s one that’s open. I duck inside the room and find it decorated in royal blue hues. There’s a double bed in the middle of the room that hasn’t been made. I wonder whose room I’ve stumbled into until the smell hits me. Cinnamon and motor oil...Barker.This room has to be his. I can hear the shower running and wonder how he made it up without me seeing him. I slowly back out of the room, but before I make it out the door, the bathroom door opens, and out walks a leggy redhead.

“Who the fuck are you?” Red demands as she saunters into the room. The tiny towel that she has on barely covers her arse, but she doesn’t seem to give a fuck. I don’t have time to answer her before her face changes into a soft expression. “Hey baby, I got tired of waiting for you, so I thought I’d freshen up before bed.” She says to whoever has just walked up behind me. I turn my head slightly and find the tattooed giant with a sour look on his face.

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