Page 11 of Deviant Bastards
“I’ll leave you guys to it,” I say as I go to skirt around Barker. He puts a hand on my waist, stopping me from leaving. He tugs me into him slightly, not letting go. “We aren’t done, Little Brawler. Not by a long shot, baby.” He says while pinning the redhead with a scowl. “I thought that I told you to fuck off, Carson. How the fuck did you even get in here?” He quizzes, and that’s when it clicks into place; Aiden must have let her up here.
“I -I missed you, and you didn’t mean those things you said, did you, baby? You know that you want me here,” she says, her whiny voice dropping down a little like she’s trying to sound seductive. I bite my lip, fighting the laugh that’s dying to burst out of me. I fail as a giggle is set free, but I cover it up with a cough as I peer up at Barker through my lashes. He doesn’t look at me when he addresses her.
“Nope, I meant every fucking word of it. Now, as you can see, my girl and I are busy. Leave.” He says as he walks both of us towards his bed, where he picks up her discarded clothing and throws them at her. “Do I have to remind you of our conversation?” His voice is low, deadly. It sends a wave of want through my body. Damn, when he gets all commanding like this, I can’t help but want to fuck his brains out. I wonder if he’s ever this dominant in the bedroom. I get so lost in my kinky ‘what if’ thoughts along with all the possible fun Barker and I could have that I don’t even notice that it’s just the two of us in his room. All alone.
“What are you doing in here, Little Brawler?” he asks as he steps closer to me, pulling me from my wandering, sex-filled thoughts. I look up at him and say, “Nothing. I heard a noise and decided to investigate. I didn’t expect to find your girlfriend in here.” My response came out snarkier than I meant it. Shit, I’m jealous.When the fuck did that happen?Fuck! I’m so screwed, I can’t believe I have Stockholm syndrome already, and I’ve only been here a few days.
“You don’t have Stockholm syndrome, Little Brawler; you just want me for my body.” The bastard has the gall to chuckle.Crap, I said that aloud.“Ugh, yeah. I don’t think so, meathead. I’m out of here.” I walk away as fast as I can, not stopping until I’m back in the safety of my room. The sound of his laughter follows me until I close and lock my door. Flopping down onto the bed, I suck in a deep breath.Fuck this.I have to find a way out of here or at the least find a way to let my father know that I’m okay and unharmed. My lids start to droop as sleep claims me.
I startle awake, instantly aware that I’m not alone. A heavy arm is draped over my stomach, pinning me in place. “Who was the guy?” a sleepy voice asks. I jerk my head to the side as my gaze collides with Gryffin’s.Why is he in my bed?But instead of asking him that, I ask, “What guy?”
“The guy who called you Little Princess.” I look up at him as I decide what to say. If I were feeling particularly bitchy, I could have some real fun with this conversation. Deciding that yes, I do want to poke the big bear that’s in the bed with me, I turn to fully face him before answering him.
“Oh, you mean Deacon. He’s my fiancé.” I watch as his face morphs from a sleep dazed expression into one filled with raging anger. The hand that was on my stomach now circles my throat. “Your what now?” he snarls at me. I grin as he slightly tightens his hold on my throat. It’s not enough to take my breath away, but just enough to keep me pinned to the bed. It’s a hold that I could easily get out of, but I decide to wait and see what he does next.
“You heard, big guy. He’s myfiancé.” I say it a little slower this time, not letting the grin fall from my face. “Well, if you’re engaged, then why the fuck were you dancing with Dayton in the club?” his voice a low growl this time.Ooooh, he’s jealous.“Well, Deacon and I have an understanding. That as long as I come home to him, I can dance and flirt with whoever the fuck I like. In fact, he encourages it because then I get all hot and horny, and he gets to fuck to my brains out.”
Not my finest move, but it has the desired effect. Gryffin rips his hand off of my throat and jumps up out of the bed. I watch as he paces the room fisting his hands in his hair. He storms out, letting the door slam behind him.
* * *
The door slams behind me as I storm out of her room. Either she’s lying about the fiancé, or we really fucked up. I head towards Kendric’s office, and as I get closer, I take a few calming breaths. She didn’t even flinch when I wrapped my hand around her throat. In fact, her eyes lit up with lust and seeing that shot a thrill straight to my dick. It felt good having that control over her. Normally, I like it when my women flinch or tense up, but my little Pixie? Oh no, she was ready to fight back.
“She has a fucking fiancé,” I bark as I walk into the office. Ric glances up at me from behind his desk, shaking his head. “The fuck she does.” He snarls as he stands to his full height. At six foot three, he’s built like a fucking tank. He rounds the desk and steps closer to me. “She said it to get a reaction out of you.” He simply states with a laugh. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he leads me farther into the room, and I slump down onto the empty couch.
“The guy on the line was Deacon St James. He’s her father’s second in command and definitely not her fiancé.” He says as he takes a seat next to me. His close proximity sends a wave of want through my already needy body. I’ve had feelings for Kendric since we were eighteen years old but have never acted on them because, well... he doesn’t feel the same way about me. I’ve known that I was into both men and women since I was around fourteen. It’s the reason why my father beat the shit out of me and tossed me out of the fucking house.
He didn’t want afaggotfor a son. I didn’t even bother to try and explain that I liked both men and women.What was the fucking point?That’s when Dayton’s family took me in. A few years later, we met Ric, and that’s when I had to start hiding how I felt. I mean, sure, we’ve shared women in the past, but we’ve never touched each other. We have always made sure that it was all about her and her needs. I stand abruptly, needing to get some distance between us before I do something really fucking stupid. “Not the fiancé?” I ask just to make sure that I heard him properly. He shakes his head as he stands and opens the door. Barker and Gadge stand on the other side of it.
“We need to talk,” Ric says as he jerks his head, signaling for them to come inside. “Her father wants proof of life.”
“How the fuck did he find us?” Barker growls. Ric raises a hand to stop him from asking anything else. “He didn’t. I rang him back to see if he was ready to admit what he did, and the first thing that he said was that he wants proof that his precious daughter is still alive.”
Kendric stalks around the side of his desk, and my eyes track his every move. Gadge clears his throat, and I turn my head in his direction.Fuck!I’m gonna be so screwed if he’s figured it out. I quickly avert my gaze and look down at the floor. “Get a picture on this and send it to him,” Ric instructs as he throws a burner phone towards Barker.
“Got it,” Barker says as he saunters out of the room. “I’ll go make sure that they haven’t figured out where we are yet. I’ve heard through the grapevine that their guy is one of the best.” Gadge says as he follows B out of the room.
“You good, brother?” Ric asks me. I nod my head and follow Gadge out into the hall. Gadge stops dead in his tracks, spinning around to face me. “What the fuck was that?” he questions, and a wave of shame washes over me. “What?” I ask, confused about what he’s talking about.
“The fact that you’ve got feelings for Ric. I saw the way you reacted in his office.”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, so shut the fuck up about shit you don’t understand,” I snarl at him as he balls his hands into fists. I wait for the inevitable smack that I know is gonna come while looking my closest friend dead in the eye.
“Ah, shit. I’m sorry, dude,” he says as he wraps his arm around me. His reaction confuses me, and I'm stunned into silence. That was the last thing I expected him to say. “Does he know?” he asks.
I shake my head because there’s no way in hell that I’m having that conversation with Ric.
“You ever gonna tell him?” Gadge asks as we continue to his computer room.
“I haven’t got a clue, man. I mean, maybe, but I gotta figure out all this other shit first.” I tell him, sighing in defeat.
“Look man, I got your back. You know that Barker and I don’t give a fuck about sexual preference. Hell, you can’t help who you fall in love with,” he reassures me. I take a deep breath as the fight leaves my body. His acceptance fills me with a reassurance that I didn’t know I needed.
* * *