Page 43 of Throne of Wolves
They were all watching to see when I’d go off.
“Do you think they’re all waiting for me to miscarry?” I asked aloud, not to anyone in particular.
When no one answered I twisted around in my chair and eyed Michael and Xander, who were both sitting in the back. An unusual place for them.
Michael was the one that finally answered. “I think they’re waiting for something to happen. They don’t want you to miscarry, Monique. They want you to have our baby and prove the council wrong.”
“They do?” I asked.
Xander nodded. “Hell yes they do. Because as soon as you give our baby life, you’ll have broken the curse and the wolves will pack up and leave the very same day.”
I turned back around to stare out the windscreen, processing all the information. “So... they see me as, what? A sign of whether they’re meant to stay, or go?”
“You’re more than that.” Kyle said, speaking from the driver’s seat for the first time. “Our baby will be the first child born to anyone of our generation. Because of the curse, no-one under the age of thirty has mated and bred successfully.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Mated successfully. How romantic.”
Kyle rolled his eyes. “I don’t mean it like that... but I don’t know how to explain how important this is.”
Xander slid his hand over the chair back and squeezed my shoulder from behind. “Our pack will die, Monique. With only males born for thirty years and the last fertile female unable to have another child... you are their last hope of having a life.”
My chest tightened as my heart twisted. “That’s a lot of pressure.” And not something I wanted to think about when all I cared about was that our baby would live.
Kyle slid his hand over to my thigh. “We all know this wasn’t your choice sweetheart, and you are all we care about. Don’t worry about the pack’s expectations. Just... stay alive, for us. Please?”
Kyle turned to stare at me for a moment before he flicked his gaze back to the road. But while he had looked at me, my breath had caught in my throat. The intensity of his love, his feelings... it was everything I’d fantasized about when I was young.
To be loved like this was truly a dream come true.
“Okay.” I grinned up at him. “Just for you guys.”
They laughed softly and we rode the rest of the way in silence. My hand slid down to rest on my belly as we drove. I’d popped a few weeks ago and instead of having a totally flat stomach, I was now round and firm.
The guys seemed to love it, constantly touching me and commenting on how they couldn’t wait until I was really big. I was silently hoping I didn’t turn into the elephant Mikayla had talked about.
That sounded super uncomfortable.
When we arrived at the sonographer’s office, my heart was pounding a little too fast. Witches didn’t do this sort of thing, but humans did, and when I’d researched it online, the whole process had seemed relatively simple.
But now that I was here, panic crashed over me. “What if they see something wrong?”
The guys jumped out of the car, but I stayed in my seat, staring up at the multi-story building. Everything around here was so foreign.
Kyle opened the door for me, “Come on beautiful. This is gonna be great.”
I looked up at my three, gorgeous men, tall as trees in the forest. They centered me and gave me the strength to get out of the car and face my fears.
The waiting room was white and stark and horrible. And the sonogram room was cramped and also too sterile. But the lady who walked in to the room with us had a mess of orange curls bundled on top of her head and a grin a mile wide.
“Hello Monique. I’m Ursula. How are you doing today?”
“I’m... okay, thank you.”
Ursula smiled as she clicked on her computer. “Give me a moment... I’m just going to read your file. All righty then. First baby? Fourteen weeks. Great.”
She spun around and stared up at the men in the room, hovering protectively over me.
“Are you all staying?”