Page 44 of Throne of Wolves
I nodded, even though a heated blush swept up my cheeks. “Yes. They are.”
All credit to her, Ursula didn’t miss a beat. “All right then. Monique jump up on the table and lift your top.”
I did as she asked, lying down on the medical table and lifting my pink t-shirt up to reveal my tiny baby bump.
Kyle slid into the seat I’d been occupying and reached for my hand. I gripped his fingers and took a deep breath.
“Nervous?” Ursula asked as she tucked some paper into my leggings and squirted some cold gel on my belly.
I nodded. “Yes.” Nervous was an understatement. I was terrified. My heart ached with the knowledge that a miracle grew inside of me, but what if something was wrong? What if their heart wasn’t beating?
Ursula pressed the metal scanner thing to my belly, then turned the black and white screen around so I could see what was there.
Since Mikayla had recommended this scan, I’d been looking on the internet for information of what would happen, and what we would see. So far it was all going okay, but my heart was racing in my chest now.
I couldn’t wait any longer to ask. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m just making sure, oh yes, there’s the heartbeat. Nice and strong.”
I stared at the screen, seeing the strange little flicker and feeling my own heart melt.
“The baby’s okay?” Kyle asked from his place next to me.
Xander and Michael were standing like silent giants in the background. I glanced up at them and they both seemed to be holding their breath.
“Yes. So far so good.” Ursula said, pointing to the screen with her finger. “There’s the heartbeat right there. And this string of pearls here, is the spine.”
The guys leaned in to stare at the little screen while tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks.
Oh my god, you’re alive. Thank you, thank you.
Xander came around Kyle and bent down and kissed me possessively, lingering on my lips. “Well done sweetheart.”
I wiped at my tears and the next ten minutes went by beautifully. The baby’s anatomy seemed to be perfect, and as we were almost finished I asked, “You don’t know the sex do you?”
We all turned towards Ursula, who smiled secretly. “We don’t like to confirm until the twenty-week scan, but I can give you an indication of what I believe, if you like? Though it is not in any way a guarantee.”
I glanced up at the guys, who didn’t seem to know what to say.
I knew how I felt about it. “I’d like to know.”
Xander frowned. “I...”
Ursula walked over to a small desk, wrote on a piece of paper, then slipped the note into an envelope. “This is only what we call a sneak peek guess, but if you decide you want to know and can’t wait, you can have a look. Otherwise, the twenty-week scan isn’t far now.”
She handed me the envelope, then a towel to wipe my belly. “If you wait a minute, I’ll print some images out for you to take home.”
“Please.” I said, cleaning myself up and grinning at the guys as I got up.
Michael pulled me into his body and held me tight. My relief was palpable and had made way for a truly giddy happiness.
I grinned at the men, and was surprised they weren’t jumping for joy the same way I was. “You guys okay?”
Ursula handed me some pictures which highlighted our baby’s tiny hands, and feet. I stared down and gripped them hard. “Oh, thank you so much.”
“Don’t worry about them.” Ursula said with a grin, “I think they’ve just realized that in a few months they’ll have a baby to look after.”
The guys walked out with me in strange sort of daze. I clung to my pictures and the envelope like it was a lifeline. All of my fears were allayed for the moment. Our child was healthy and strong, and most certainly alive inside my little belly.