Page 45 of Throne of Wolves
When we were finally in the car, I twisted in my seat. “Seriously, what’s wrong with you guys?”
Xander was driving so I stared at Michael and Kyle. “Aren’t you relieved?”
“Yes. Very.” Michael said, but he looked slightly sick.
I had to chuckle. “Well, I’m so happy it’s not even funny and I so want to know what we’re going to have. Don’t you?”
Kyle flinched. “She said it isn’t 100%.”
I flicked open the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper. “You guys are freaking me out and that isn’t nice. Today was meant to be a celebration and... oh...”
I stared at the piece of paper with one word written on it.
That would mean... I shoved the piece of paper back into the envelope. They were going to freak out.
“What did it say?” Xander asked from the front seat.
I held the envelope to my chest, trying not to cry. A little girl. The first born to this pack in over thirty years.
“Are you sure you want to know?” I asked, swallowing hard against the eruption of emotions inside my chest. This was too much.
“I do.” Xander said, his voice growly.
“Me too.” Michael said.
Kyle laughed. “Well looks like I’m out voted.”
“I don’t have to tell you.” I whispered, almost scared to say it out loud. This was so much bigger than just a baby. A girl would mean that the curse was truly broken.
Xander pulled the truck over, and five minutes out from home. Then he turned to look at me. “It’s a girl. Isn’t it?”
His wolf swirled in his eyes making his usually blue iris’ look like a sunflower in summer.
I nodded, my throat constricted with emotion. “Yes.” I handed him the envelope which he tore open and stared down at the paper.
He silently handed it to Michael, who passed it to Kyle. Then all at once they cheered, the truck practically rocking with the sound.
I laughed and cried as they took turns kissing me and grabbing me. “It’s too perfect.” I cried, letting them surround me.
When we finally got back on the road, my heart was full with happiness. But as we turned off the main road and headed towards the pack lands, my stomach dropped with fear.
“What’s that?” There was smoke billowing into the air in massive clouds and red flames danced into the sky.
“Holy shit.” Xander said.
A sense of calm descended over me as I realized the battle had begun. I grabbed hold of the car door and said, “Floor it.”
War had finally reached our doorstep.