Page 16 of The Club Betrayal
“Are you planning to come back inside?”
“I don’t know.” Suddenly unsure, I look away from him. “I should go.”
“What happened in there? Why did you drag that guy in? Did you hurt him?”
Ignoring me, he drawls, “I thought you wanted to have some fun?”
“I do.”
“Then keep your eyes on me and let’s do just that.”
Opening the door, I take his offered hand, letting him pull me out. I’m probably being stupid, but I can’t seem to stop myself. There’s one thing I have to know before we go further.
“Did you hurt that guy?”
Sighing, his smile vanishes. “No, I didn’t hurt him, and it’s the only question I’m going to answer.”
I can deal with that… for now.
Chapter Seven
If it weren’t for Kyle in the basement, I’d let Holly walk down to the bar and let herself out. But he is, and I can’t run the risk of her seeing or hearing something that will cause her to ask more questions. Holding her hand, I lead her outside and to her car without incident. Her hair is a mess, her make-up smudged around her eyes, but I press my lips to hers, liking how she makes me feel. She’s the ultimate distraction.
“Come back tonight.”
Her shy smile warms through me.
Climbing into her car, I watch her drive off before heading back into the bar where I bump into Cas coming from the main house.
“What the fuck are you doing up so early?”
“A girl from town stayed over and she had to leave for work. I walked her out so she didn’t see or hear anything she shouldn’t.”
“Why are you up so early?” I question.
“Couldn’t sleep for shit. I thought I’d check on our rat. Wanna join me?”
In the basement, Kyle is still tied to the chair, the blood from his busted lip now crusted down his chin.
Cas slaps at his cheek until he comes around. When he does, he flinches, trying to move as far away as his restraints will allow.
I hang back by the door, avoiding meeting Kyle’s eyes.
“Morning, sunshine,” Cas snarls, leaning down and getting into his face.
“Cas, please, it’s not what you think.”
“Tell me, what am I thinking?”
“You think I’m the rat, that I betrayed you, but I didn’t.”