Page 17 of The Club Betrayal
Pulling up a chair, Cas sits down in front of him, close enough he could punch him if he wanted to.
“Explain it to me, because when the brothers come down, they’re going to want you dead, and I may not be able to save you.”
“He has my aunt. He’s been using her against me.”
“To do what exactly?”
“To listen in on your conversations, relay to him whatever’s useful.”
Cas fists his hands, trying to rein in his temper.
“Everything,” he grinds out. “Tell me everything you’ve relayed.”
“That’s it, Cas, I gave him nothing real! I’ve fed him nothing but bullshit.”
I prospected with Kyle, got to know him pretty well, and he can’t lie for shit. He’s telling the truth. Plus, I know he’s not the rat the club is looking for.
“Don’t lie to me!” Cas roars.
“I–I’m not! You have to believe me!”
“I don’t have to believe shit. You should’ve come to us and told us what was happening.”
“My aunt is the only person who’s ever been there for me. I couldn’t take the risk.”
“I understand that.” Cas stands, bracing his hands on his hips. “However, you’ve put your life at risk by not trusting me.”
Turning, Cas nods for me to open the door.
“Cas!” Kyle yells. “If you kill me, please help my aunt. She doesn’t understand how much danger she’s in.”
“I’m not making any promises, not one.” Over his shoulder, he asks, “Why were you hiding out with Bert the last few days?”
“He kept me around like a dog…”
Cas doesn’t stick around for the rest of his reply.
“Tal, you know me. You’ve got to make them believe me!”
The urgency in his voice hits me hard, but I can’t let myself care. I have to think of myself. Kyle, if he made the cut, would end up like the others, and who knows how many lives could be saved in the future if he wasn’t around?
Upstairs, Pope’s awake, sitting in the far corner of the bar, and Cas joins him. Pope’s the one I fear most in finding out who I really am. He sees more than the other brothers, so he’s the one I’m most careful around.
“You been talking to the rat?” Cas nods. “What pathetic excuses did he give you?”
“He said they’ve got his aunt, that he never gave him any information, only bullshit.”
“Do you think there’s any truth to it?”
Rolling his neck, Cas groans. “I have no fucking idea. I’m going to send a couple of brothers around to her place, see if the aunt story is true. If not, we’ll take it from there. He’ll be expecting us to fuck around with him, so we’re going to leave him. No one’s to go down there until I say. Let him stew.”
“What if he’s lying?” I ask.
“Then I’ll cut his tongue from his mouth,” Cas states, while Pope smirks coldly.
* * *
The brothers Cas sent out are in fact me, Leo, and JJ, who are currently crammed into the prospects van across the street from Kyle’s aunt’s address.