Page 18 of The Club Betrayal
We’ve been here for three hours, and haven’t seen a single person go in or come out of the house.
“This is bullshit. Nothing’s going on here. Kyle’s full of shit,” JJ grunts.
“Order a pizza and have it rush delivered. We’ll see who answers the door,” Leo barks, his leg bouncing.
He’s agitated about something, but I’ll be fucked if I ask him about it. Apart from Kristen, no one around the club has openly blamed him for India’s death but I do. If it weren’t for him, she’d be still around today and little Rayna would still have her mom.
Putting in the order, I pay double for the rush.
Leo lights another cigarette and JJ takes it from him.
“Don’t you bother buying your own anymore?” Leo snaps.
“Don’t need to. What’s wrong with you anyway?”
“Something’s wrong. You’ve had a stick up your ass all day.”
I try to tune them out, and pray the pizza shows up soon, but they don’t let up.
“I’ve had a stick up my ass?”
“I think you need some ass,” JJ retorts, bringing the temperature in the van to below freezing.
“Don’t look at me like you want to rip my head off. You’re allowed to dip your dick, man. It’s good for your health.”
“Shut your mouth.”
“Brother, all I’m saying is, no one would think anything of it. No one would even have to know. Mind you, people will probably notice you lightening up for once.”
“Jay, I swear, if you don’t shut your mouth, I’m going to fill it with my fist.”
“Oh, please. You don’t scare me. A little pussy goes a long way, that’s all I’m saying.”
Leo launches over me to get to JJ, and all Jay can do is laugh, enraging Leo further.
As they try their hardest to throw punches, a black van rolls up down the street, stopping outside the house.
“Hey, cut it out. We’ve got company, and it’s not the pizza.”
They pull apart instantly, and we watch as Bert exits the van and walks up the front path, straight into her house.
Leo sighs. “Looks like we’ve got our answer.”
Starting the van, he pulls away as the pizza delivery guy drives by us. JJ keeps his thoughts on Leo’s dick to himself, and Leo does the same with his fists.
I tag along behind them when we arrive at the club, listening in as Leo tells Cas what we saw.
“Considering how hard Ellis came at us, Bert’s too calm. It’s throwing us off,” he murmurs.
“What now?” Sparky asks.
Cas’s fingers drum along the table until something over my shoulder catches his attention. Turning, I see Alannah walking over with Rayna in her arms.
Handing her over to Cas, he bounces the little girl on his lap, beaming proudly at her.
“We’ll meet in the back room in an hour.”