Page 72 of His End Game
I steer off to the table I’ve sat at for each visit and take my seat. Dad brought Slade, Nina, and Sebastian with him and they’re the first to walk in.
I smile their way and then zero in on my visitors. They take their seats.
“How you holding you up?” Dad asks.
“All good. How’s Mom?”
“She’s well. She’ll visit with Holly and Rayna next time.”
I wasn’t expecting to see Mom today, so it’s no bother to me. Looking to Luca, his shoulders are set tight and the frown he’s wearing will give him one hell of a permanent deep crease between his eyes if he doesn’t relax.
“What’s up with you?” I ask.
“Long night,” he says, then carries on, “I’m bumping up the time frame moving into the city. Tor’s home packing our things and Angel and Rudi are ready to go.”
“Why? What’s happened?”
“Word’s getting around about us working with Darius and his boys, and little pricks are starting to take advantage.”
“Do you need to take a few brothers with you?”
Shaking his head, he says, “Nah, Angel and I have got it covered. I want them to see only the two of us ride in and think they have the upper hand.”
“Cocky little shit.”
“What can I say?” He shrugs. “I’m that good.”
Dad rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat.
“Any trouble in here?”
“Not much. It’s more effort to keep Mase calm than it is having to fight other inmates.”
“I’ll get Pope to talk to him. None of you need anything going against you when it comes time for release.”
“We’ll be out as soon as we can, don’t worry about that, but there’s something we need to talk about.”
“That is?” Dad asks.
“I had another visit from Effie today. She’s still banging on about us making a deal with her.”
I keep the sexual offer to myself. They don’t need to know about that.
“Why would she still be willing to work with us, let alone want to?” Luca asks.
“I have no idea, but it’ll be to her advantage, that I’m sure of.” Looking to my brother, I say, “When you get to the city, keep your fuckin’ eyes wide open, brother. She’s after something, and until we know what, you’ve gotta be on your toes twenty-four seven.”
“Will do,” he promises.
Changing the conversation, I say, “I spoke to Jay. He said Gunner’s smashing all his check-ups.”
Dad grins and sits forward. “No discredit to Sparks and his bloodline, but mine is strong and little Gunner is more Jackson than Carter.”
I snort and laugh with him. It feels good.
“How’s Victoria?” I ask Luca.
“She’s nervous about the move but she’s dealing.”