Page 73 of His End Game
“You worried she’ll hate the city and will wanna go home?”
“Not really,” he says with a sigh. “She knows the club needs to do this, so she’ll do her part.”
“What will she do there? I mean, she’s got her job with the town council in Willow’s Peak.”
“We don’t know yet. With so much up in the air, we’re just gonna take it a day at a time.”
“Talking about Dog City, I’ve got a couple guys I’m gonna send your way to check out. One gets out in a couple of weeks and the other the week after. We’ve been watching them and they’re exactly what you’re looking for.”
Arching his brow, he mulls it over and nods.
“Holly and Ray are spending the day with your mom and Bonnie today. I said I’d drive them back when I get back.”
“Where’s Holly’s car?”
“In the shop. Sparky had a look at it, but he didn’t have the right tools or something.”
“Keep them at your place tonight. I don’t want them out at the cabin if she has no way of getting her and Ray away if needed.”
“Sure,” he says, watching me carefully.
The rest of the visit is filled with the two of them catching me up on the club and the rest of the day, I’m uneasy.
I can’t put my finger on the cause, and I pace the cell, not that it helps. After dinner, I head for the phones. It must be my lucky day, there’s no queue.
I dial Holly’s number and wait for the call to connect. She answers breathlessly and for a brief moment, I picture her beneath me just after she’s climaxed.
“Have I caught you at a bad time?”
“No-no. I just had to run for the phone. I forgot to take it up with me when I bathed Rayna.”
“It’s all good. Where is she?”
“She’s in the kitchen. Your mom snuck her a bowl of ice cream. I let it slide as your dad said we had to stay here tonight so if the sugar rush keeps her awake, your mom’s around to help out.”
I laugh.
“Give me a second and I’ll take you through to her.”
“No, it’s okay. I wanna talk to you. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing okay. How’s it going for you in that hellhole?”
“It’s not so bad once you get used to it.”
“How is that possible?”
“It is what it is. You’ve just gotta get on with it. How have you been sleeping?”
I ask every time we talk so it’s not surprise when she says, “Fine.”
She knows I know she’s lying but I don’t push her on it. If I were home, I’d only need one look at her to know how far I can push her before she shuts down.
“You didn’t tell me you were having problems with your car.”
“It just wouldn’t start. I called your dad and he had Sparky look at it, but he couldn’t fix it, so they dealt with it for me. I should have it back in the next couple of days.”
“I want you to stay at my parents till it’s fixed.”