Page 70 of The Hookup Plan
“I’ve had a great time today,” London said. “I think we should do it more often. How about each of you getting your own day out with your big sister, where we each do something really special?”
“Can you take me to the BTS concert next month?” Koko asked.
“Uh, sure,” London said.
“It’s sold out,” Nina said with another eye roll.
“Oh. Well, maybe we can stop by the record store and buy their newest CD? Wait, is there a record store in this mall? There used to be one,” London said.
“No one uses CDs anymore,” Nina said.
“I do,” London said. “I prefer to own the music I buy, but we’ll stream BTS and have a dance party,” She looked at Nina. “But I think Nina’s day should be first since she’s the oldest. What do you say we go somewhere next weekend? Just the two of us.”
Nina shrugged. “Sure.”
Oh, she could not wait to get this one alone. They would talk about more than just the nude selfies.
They finished up their lunch and spent another hour walking around the mall. London had to stop herself from checking in with the hospital at least a dozen times, which said more about her than she cared to think about.
When they arrived back at April and Kenneth’s, her stepmom gave London a curious, questioning look. London imperceptibly shook her head. No, they hadn’t discussed the photos.
“I’ll see you next weekend?” she said to Nina. London looked to April. “I’ve promised each of the kids that they’ll get their own special day. I’m going to find something really fun for me and Nina to do next weekend.”
“Oh, that sounds great!” April said. “Yes, you should.”
London hugged the three kids before leaving. She felt only slightly guilty for not asking about Kenneth after his TIA scare, but if there was something wrong, April would have told her. She’d designated the rest of the day her “self-care day,” and talking with her father was the opposite of self-care.
An hour later, London was in her favorite chair adding a few rows to the stroller blanket she’d been crocheting for Samiah’s four-month-old niece, when her phone chimed with a text.
Looking for company?
She grinned.Sorry, not tonight. I’m practicing self-care.
We can practice self-care together.
“Yeah, right.” She knew exactly what kind of self-care he had in mind.
The only self-care I’ve planned for is crocheting and a bubble bath.
Three dots appeared as Drew typed a response.Perfect. You crochet a washcloth and I’ll use it to scrub your back.
London burst out laughing. She switched from the messaging app to the phone and called him.
“I am an excellent back scrubber,” Drew said by way of greeting.
“I have no doubts that you are, but you’re forgetting one thing,” London said. “We are not friends, and you coming over to my house is a bit more…friendly than I’m comfortable with.”
He sighed. “Come on, London. It won’t hurt you to invite anacquaintanceinto your home, especially one who can give you multiple orgasms.”
A shot of heat rippled through her. London put it on ice.
“Sorry, but it’s the wrong time of the month for orgasms,” she said.
“Well, I can rub your back or do whatever you need me to do,” he said. “Let me come over.” The earnest plea in his voice had her rethinking the hard-and-fast rule she’d set for herself.
London pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, debating the wisdom of taking this next step. Having him over shouldn’t be a big deal, but it felt that way. There was something too intimate about it, too…beyond friendly. It would push them out of hookup-partner territory and into something she wasn’t sure she was ready to explore.
Yes, you are, the voice in her head countered.