Page 71 of The Hookup Plan
Tamping down the butterflies that had taken flight in her belly, London said, “I’ll text you my address.”
She heard Drew’s car pull up twenty minutes later. London set the yarn on the coffee table and fluffed her coils as she made her way to the door. The heat shot through her again at the sight of him. He’d traded in his usual suit for khaki slacks and a wheat-colored sweater that looked so soft London immediately wanted to curl into it.
He held out a bag.
“Dark chocolate and chamomile tea. The woman behind the counter at CVS said both were essential.”
“Dammit, Drew,” London said, taking the bag from him. Did he not understand how hookup partners worked?
“You don’t like dark chocolate?” he asked.
She loved dark chocolate. She didn’t like his being so sweet. It made it that much harder to resist these feelings she’d been trying to resist.
“Get in here,” London said, taking him by the hand. That’s when she noticed that his other hand held a briefcase. “Are you planning on working?” she asked him.
“I figured I could work while you crochet,” he said, his eyes roaming the entryway. “This is nice. Unexpected as hell, but nice.” He pointed to the baroque curio cabinet she’d found at an antiques shop back when she first bought her house. “This doesn’t seem like your style.”
“Well, I guess I’m just full of surprises,” she said.
She led him into the living room and couldn’t deny her own surprise when he opened the briefcase and took out a sheaf of documents. He was serious about working tonight?
Drew looked up at her. “You want me to make you a cup of the tea?” he asked.
She shook her head. “I can do it. Do you…uh…want a cup?”
“Nah, I’m good,” he said, returning to his documents.
She made herself some tea and settled in with her crocheting. London wasn’t sure she was comfortable with just how, well, comfortable this felt. But after a while, she relaxed and allowed herself to enjoy Drew’s quiet companionship. He asked her a question about County’s on-site pharmacy and explained that some hospitals had opted to shutter theirs due to cost, but then he promised not to ask anything else work related.
After an hour had passed and London had finished the interior square of her blanket, she rolled up the yarn and set her project aside.
“You ready for that bubble bath?” Drew asked.
She motioned to his briefcase. “Do you have a change of clothes in there?”
“Why would I need a change of clothes? I’m not getting in the bath with you.”
“Are you not even going to try to get in my pants tonight, Drew Sullivan?”
He shook his head. “Nope.”
“I think I may be offended,” she said.
“That wasn’t my intent.”
She knew what his intent was. He wanted to prove that there was more to what they had going on than just sex. It scared her to think he was right.
Determined to refute that thought, London walked over to where he sat on her couch and climbed onto his lap. Drew’s hands immediately clutched her waist. She crossed her wrists behind his head and went in for a kiss, plunging her tongue inside his warm mouth. The effect on her body was instant, her nipples tightening to sharp points as desire blossomed between her legs. She ground herself against his pelvis, smiling as she felt him growing hard beneath her.
“It won’t work,” Drew spoke against her lips.
“You wanna bet?” London asked.
He gripped her waist tighter, then lifted her off him.
“What the hell, Drew?” she asked as she bounced onto the couch.
He stood and straightened his clothes. It was hard to ignore the telltale bulge that remained behind his zipper.