Page 13 of Invoking the Blood
A brilliant light consumed Sparrow’s form and reshaped smaller before fading. A fluffy white cat with Sparrow’s green eyes looked up at her.
Sparrow squatted down and wiggled on her haunches.
Faye pointed at her. “Don’t you fucking miss and scratch me.”
The small white cat leaped, landing on Faye’s shoulder.
Faye shifted her shoulder. “Get off me, hooker.”
Sparrow swatted the side of Faye’s head.
Faye pointed at her, and Sparrow froze with her paw up, poised to swat her again. “Do it again, and I’ll stuff you in a bag.”
The white cat narrowed her eyes but lowered her paw.
Faye got in line with Sparrow on her shoulder. It looked long but went quickly as each traveler went to the next available cashier. There were a dozen of them separated by low dividers along a long counter. It didn’t take long before Faye stood before the cashier. “Two tickets to Anaria, please.”
The young woman was a day-blood. She eyed Faye’s index finger as Faye slid silver marks across the counter to pay their fare.
“Where’s your owner?”
Faye plastered on her fake smile and gestured at Sparrow.
“Looks like a cat.” The young woman slid the silver marks back to Faye.
Sparrow leaped to the counter, scratching the woman’s hand hard enough to draw blood. A flash of light enveloped her, reshaping and faded as quickly as it came. Sparrow now crouched in front of the cashier. “The fuck did you call me?”
The cashier held her hand with a look of terror.
An older woman came to stand in front of the cashier. “So sorry for the misunderstanding.” She held out two ticket stubs to Sparrow as the cashier retreated out of sight to a back room.
Sparrow took the tickets. “Thanks.” She bit off the word, standing to her full height, and turned. Hopping down from the counter, she linked arms with Faye.
Faye leaned toward Sparrow as they walked, speaking in a low tone. “You didn’t have to scratch her.”
Sparrow snorted, “And she didn’t have to be a bitch, but here we are.”
“You don’t have to act like them because of me.”
Sparrow snorted, closing the subject. She was technically in the right since the cashier insulted her and refused her pet’s payment. But just because she could, didn’t make it right.
They entered a small platform where a man collected their tickets. “Which village are we going to this morning?”
“Alexander,” Sparrow answered, taking the man’s offered hand.
Faye closed her eyes as they phased. It was done in an instant, but the dizziness lasted for a few moments after. They stood on the small landing platform at the outskirts of their village.
The man inclined his head at them. “Ladies.” Then vanished.
Travelers to their little village were rare, so they didn’t have to hurry off the platform out of fear of getting knocked over by the next set of people.
“You coming home or going to Vash’s?” Faye asked, stepping off the platform.
“I need to clean up, so he doesn’t think I’m a complete heathen.”
“It’s too late for that hooker.”
They walked to their home, a small cottage twenty minutes outside town.