Page 14 of Invoking the Blood
“I’m starving, so don’t take forever in the shower.” Sparrow bounded through the front door, disappearing into her room at the end of the hall.
“You just ate,” Faye called down the hall as she closed the front door standing in the room that doubled as their kitchen and dining room. She took off her coat, laying it over the closest chair at the small wooden kitchen table. She went to her room halfway down the hall. She had a simple bed beneath the large window with a view of the forest. Picking out what to wear, she crossed the hall to her bathroom. She showered quickly and dressed after drying off. Faye leaned closer to her bathroom mirror, inspecting the golden streaks through her irises. They shimmered, reflecting the light differently than the black of her eye. She could only hope the streaks would heal in time and her eyes would return to their original color.
Faye backed away from the mirror and yelled, “Hooker.” A game of echolocation she and Sparrow used since childhood.
“Come on. I’m starving,” Sparrow whined.
It sounded like Sparrow was already outside. Faye headed down the hall to the kitchen. The petite blonde stood outside. Her wavy golden hair gleamed in the sunlight. Throwing on her boots, Faye shouldered the large backpack she’d set out for herself the night before. Meeting Sparrow outside, the two began walking back to the village.
“Cough up some details, bitch. You’ve had that stupid grin on your face all morning.” Sparrow snorted at her and did her little hop before trying to hook Faye’s ankle with her foot.
Faye took a longer step avoiding Sparrow’s efforts. “I don’t have details. I don’t remember.”
“Did he bite you?”
“No. At least I don’t think so.”
“You don’t remember?” Sparrow deepened her voice and lifted her hand at Faye, pressing her fingers together, opening and closing her hand to mimic talking. “Faye, I love you.” Then she made kissing noises biting at Faye’s neck with her fingers. Laughing, Faye shoved Sparrow away.
“You have to remember something. Just tell me. I need to know.” Sparrow pleaded as they walked.
Faye turned toward Sparrow and sighed. “I remember his eyes. He has fangs. They’re just flashes.”
A mischievous glint lit in Sparrow’s eyes. “Does he have good lips?”
What were good lips? Faye remembered his mouth. His lips looked smooth and firm. His bottom lip was fuller than the top. No facial hair. “They’re guy lips.”
“But do you want to kiss them?”
“Is that the measure for good lips?”
Sparrow nodded, quirking her lip.
Exhaling, Faye conceded. “He has good lips.”
Sparrow squeaked, hugging Faye’s arm. “What you need is to get laid. There are brothels with vampires. You could pretend he’s your dream guy.”
At Faye’s silence, Sparrow made a rude noise, waving her hand dismissively. “You can borrow my ring. They won’t even know.”
“No, thank you.”
“It would be an early birthday present.” Sparrow insisted.
Faye narrowed her eyes. “My birthday was literally yesterday.”
“Fine, a second gift. A late present! Me and Vash could get you a nice looking one. They must have ones with long white hair. I think they’re ones that glamor up too. He could look just like your Shadow Prince.”
“One, he’s not the Shadow Prince. Two, you’re talking about a person, not a dress.”
Sparrow dropped Faye’s arm. “One, I’m talking about a well-paidwhorewho does this for a living. Two, there are two Pure Bloods. The High Queen and the Shadow Prince. You are dreaming of the male variety, and that’s the Shadow Prince, bitch.”
Faye didn’t respond.
They walked in silence as the buildings of their small village came into view.
Sparrow turned toward her. “You going to Aunty Clara’s house to give the little beasties candy?”