Page 81 of Invoking the Blood
Rune raised a brow, studying her for a moment in silence. “She looked to you. Through your actions, which I am sure were not your intent, you have informed Kayla that you are my whore.”
Faye smiled around the candied fruit, sensuously sliding it off the metal pick. She flicked the long piece of metal, pointing it at his eye. “Call me that again and I’ll stab you in front of your friends.” The corner of his mouth lifted at her remark. That sexy smirk made her heart race.
“I am court born. If I had a romantic interest in a partner, they would be announced before the High Council. To behave this way in public projects the impression I have already,” Rune glanced at her metal skewer, then met her gaze. Amusement lit his pale blue eyes. “Had you.”
Faye turned away from him to scrutinize the extravagant room as she said, “Well, it’s a good thing we’re in a whore house.” She could feel his disapproving gaze and fought the smile that pulled on her lips.
“This is an exclusive, high-end brothel.”
Feigning boredom Faye skewered another piece of fruit as Rune stroked her hair. “You haven’t shown me anything that makes me want to join a court.”
The door opened, drawing Faye’s attention. Kayla returned, leading a tall brunette by the hand. Her eyes made Faye pause. They were entirely white. She leaned closer to Rune, asking in a hushed whisper, “She’s blind?”
“You may speak. I have us concealed.”
Faye turned toward him and asked, “An invisibility spell?”
“Similar but more complicated. I could still scent you when you and the harpy trespassed into Lyssa’s ball.”
Faye nodded, studying the brunette. She wore a satin robe matching the antique gold of Kayla’s gown. Kayla led her to a plush chaise, where she took a seat.
“She is spelled with temporary blindness,” Rune explained. “This is where the darker courts receive training. The women are not entitled to know the identity of those who service them. Kayla is the madame, she and her managers are the only ones privy to the identity of their clients.”
Faye hid her shock as Rune explained this like it was commonplace. Dark courts and their sex games. Her eyes widened as Kayla called in a black leather riding crop. “What’s that for?” Faye shifted in Rune’s lap, resting her hand on his muscular thigh.
A man entered the room wearing a tailored suit much like Rune’s.
“Motivation should he not listen. This is the novice beginning his training.” Rune’s hand left her back as his other hand rested on her knee. His thumb was tracing small circles.
The man’s dark shard glowed as he ran his hand through his copper-colored short hair. His pallor complexion wasn’t unattractive. Faye watched as he stripped off his jacket and shirt revealing lean, hard muscle. Not as chiseled as Rune, but still appealing.
The male knelt before the woman, taking her hand to press a kiss to the back of it. She brushed her hands over his face, her thumb sliding over his bottom lip. “My name is Erin. What are you?”
“Vampire,” the male said and grinned at her answering smile.
Faye glanced at Rune’s hand on her knee. The slow lazy circles he traced. She wondered if the vampire was coincidence or if Rune requested one of his kind.
Erin bent forward, giving him a soft kiss before saying, “No fangs.”
“As you command,” he answered, purring as he nuzzled her palm.
Rune purred for her during their last dream. Catching her finger between his teeth. Faye pushed the memory away, but it remained, teasing at the edge of her mind.
“More and rougher,” Erin said. Faye’s breath caught as the vampire’s purr deepened, the sound humming through the room. She stroked the side of his face. “Good.”
Faye wet her lips watching them. Her nipples hardened as the man slowly pulled the sash of the woman’s robe. Kayla stood close observing while not obstructing their view of the couple.
She’d seen live sex shows with Sparrow but being here with Rune was different. The way he stroked her hair and the damned circles he traced just above her knee made her too aware of his closeness. Faye shifted her hips. Her breath stilled as she caught friction on Rune’s hard thigh beneath her.
“You like to watch.” Rune wasn’t asking. It was a statement.
One Faye wouldn’t dignify with a response. The vampire spread Erin’s legs, lowering his head between them and Faye unwittingly tightened her grip on Rune’s thigh. He was going to lick her there while he purred. She bit the inside of her lip wondering if Rune would have done the same if she didn’t stop him. Their dream would have played out differently if he didn’t ask what court she belonged to. If she didn’t dig her claws into his throat.
A sharp crack startled Faye out of her thoughts. She jerked at the second, gasping at the touch of friction against her own vampire.
“Do as she commanded and hold your purr,” Kayla ordered.
Faye’s breaths drew short as she gazed at the red mark left on the man’s shoulder. Faye could hear the difference in the male’s purr once he corrected it, but she didn’t notice it before. How many times had Rune felt that sting while he was a novice?