Page 82 of Invoking the Blood
Faye dragged her bottom lip through her teeth. “Is being commanded part of the training?” She could hear his deep purring voice from their dreams. It felt like a lifetime ago. She’d held his throat not knowing what to do and he’d crooned,Command me.
“It is a sentiment of devotion.” Rune kept his hand on her knee and swept her hair behind her shoulder.
Eyeing my throat, vampire?Faye dropped her shoulder and turned in his direction but not enough to look at him. “Like love?”
Rune laughed softly behind her, and Faye bristled. “Love is a mortal word. They fall into love and fall out of love a few decades later. Grow apart. Immortals feel deeper. Our devotion is eternal. The sentiment, I am yours to command, means to be an extension of the other’s will.”
Faye knew those words. He’d spoken them to her during their dreams. He loved her? Her chest tightened with hope before the reality of their situation tore it from her. She was mortal and he’d dismissed their fated tie, claim it to be a spell. Faye buried her hurt, focusing on the couple before her.
Kayla traced the riding crop down the male’s spine. “Is she wet, vampire?”
Faye shifted her hips, leaning forward. Rune’s thigh was taut beneath her. She moaned quietly, watching the couple before them with hooded eyes. The muscles in the vampire’s back rippled as he touched her, pressing a finger in. Erin’s breaths grew ragged as she tangled her hands through his copper hair. She pulled him closer, grinding against his mouth.
“You are permitted to get closer if you wish.” Rune’s voice held a roughened edge, his accent thicker.
Did he like to watch too? Moving closer would mean leaving this perfect friction of his thigh. She was slick, aching for him.
Erin came with a cry, panting for breath.
Faye leaned forward, pressing harder against Rune. “I thought he was a novice.”
Chapter thirty-six
"Thecaliberofmenyou associate with is appalling. Bringing a woman to orgasm is the beginning.” Rune ran the back of his fingers up her spine.
Ask to tend to her.
The Ra’Voshnik prowled his mind, urging him to lay her naked on his bed. Where he would alternate between worshiping at her altar and stroking her with his hands while he drank from her inner thigh.
Rune breathed in her scent, laced with her arousal. Darkness, his fangs throbbed. Aching to sink into the slender column of her throat. He leaned closer to say at her ear, “The training dark-blooded males receive is holding a woman’s release.” He flexed his leg each time she shifted on him. “Stretching it.” Rune stroked Faye’s flowing black hair. The silky texture ran through his fingers. “Overlapping them.”
Faye watched the couple, and Rune couldn’t help but watch her. Her subtle movements, the catches of breath. The feel of her rocking against him. The way the beat of her heart picked up when he spoke, all of it enticed him. His gaze fell to the flutter of her pulse.
It was too easy to get lost in her. Rune inwardly shook himself. He should be searching her mind, looking for the spell tying her mortality to him. But he couldn’t break free of her pull. Fantasizing even now about holding her close while he thrust into her. The way she would turn up her chin and offer him her throat.
Faye jerked in his lap the same moment Kayla brought the riding crop down on the male’s back. He listened to the beat of her heart racing. She liked this. The corner of his mouth lifted. The minx had to control every aspect of her life; it was fitting she would prefer to be in control in the bedroom. She’d taken him by the throat. He grinned at the memory and found himself curious to what other predilections she possessed.
Tend to our queen. Pin her and make her writhe beneath our mouth.
He ignored the Ra’Voshnik’s frantic demands, too focused on her. Taking in every reaction. Rune watched as Faye grew still, the tension in her muscles building. Darkness, she was close. He shifted his leg beneath her, needing to ease her ache. “Is my thigh to your liking?”
“Why did she hit him after he made her come?”
Ignoring my question?Rune leaned closer to her, his chest brushing her arm. “Because he failed to hold her release. A less experienced male would press on, pushing harder, attempting to make her come again. We are taught to read her body. Keep the rhythm she sets and know when to push her.”
She glanced back at him, her gaze lowering to note the shadows he knew swayed beneath his eyes. “You’ve done this training,” she asked.
“I have.”
She leaned forward pressing into his thigh. “How many times did a riding crop meet your back?” Interesting. The minx wanted him under the crop. When it became evident he was not going to answer, she turned back to the couple. “How do they graduate from being a novice?”
“Make her come for ten minutes.”
She stiffened for the briefest moment. Then turned so he viewed a teasing profile of her nose and lips. “Ten minutes? That’s a novice.”
Rune fanned his breath over the shell of her ear and rasped, “A male is fully trained when he can hold her for thirty.” He stifled a groan eager to hear the sounds he could elicit from her lips while he worked her body to his satisfaction. The Ra’Voshnik circled just beneath the surface, agreeing with his notion.
She looked back at him fully and rolled her hips. Darkness, he wanted to pin her to him and make her come while he rocked against her.