Page 83 of Invoking the Blood
“You want me.”
Take what is offered,the Ra’Voshnik roared as Rune countered, “You are just as affected.” He shifted beneath her to prove his point and was rewarded by her breathy sigh.
“You can have me if you take me through my Ceremony of Blood.”
The Ra’Voshnik purred through his mind, bringing each position it wanted her in to the front of Rune’s thoughts. Rune took hold of the bothersome creature, dragging it to the depths of his mind.
There were so many ways he could please her and leave her virginity intact. “Performing your ceremony is unnecessary, I would use my hands and mouth.” A different kind of tension filled her at his words. Rune lifted his chin breathing in her scent. “You ache for me. I could ease you with a bite.”
Touch me,he silently pleaded. His night breeze stripped him of reason. His attraction to her a spell holding power over him. But in this moment, he didn’t care. He wanted her naked and pinned beneath him. Wanted to taste her desire as she came apart under his mouth.
She met his heated gaze as her full lips curled in a smile. He sucked in a breath when she ran her hand over his chest to his shoulder. “My ceremony is the necessity. Your touch is not.” She took a strand of his hair twirling it around her finger. “Aren’t you supposed to be looking through my mind for the spell that makes you hard for an unsophisticated peasant?” Her gaze dipped to his straining erection. “Or are you too distracted?”
You’ve angered our queen again. Let me mend things with her, polished fool. You turn her from us.
Be silent!Rune glared at the minx poised in his lap. “I have not been led by my cock in thirty centuries. I have no intention of starting now.” Rune gazed past her to the couple. “I am still recovering my strength, my hold over the Ra’Voshnik is tenuous.”
“He’s the only part of you I like.” Faye flicked his strand of hair away, turning away from him, her focus centered on Erin and her vampire.
Let me rise. She prefers me to you!Rune clenched his teeth, grating, “You believe the Ra’Voshnik that resides within me fancies you?”
She lifted her chin in that defiant way he favored and despised in equal portion. “I know he does. I feel him when you search my mind.”
“It does not want you.”
She ran her hand down the lapel of his jacket, straightening his pristine suit. “Weren’t you the one that said,What good would a lie do between us?”
Chapter thirty-seven
Fayepushedoffhischest and returned her attention to Erin and her vampire. She kept her back to Rune, who remained silent, withdrawing his touch. His rejection hurt, carving into something deep inside her. Faye reached for her anger, clinging to it desperately.
She glanced at the brunette as she arched her back. Her vampire purred between her thighs, worshiping at her altar as he stroked his fingers into her.
How did she do it? Let these men touch her and not grow attached. Did she miss them when they left? Faye clenched her jaw. Being blinded wouldn’t save her. Rune already inhabited all her fantasies. “I’ve seen enough of your dark court sex games. If you’re not going to poke around my head, I’d rather soak in a bath and read.”
“You will need to remove yourself from my lap if you wish to return to Hell.”
Faye stood and glanced over him. He rose without a word, not looking at her as he held his hand palm up. She placed her hand in his and their surroundings changed, snapping to his study. Rune dropped her hand and went to his desk.
Pain stung her heart. He dismissed her. Like the high bitch queen. Like every other dark-blood. Faye covered the hurt with the only emotion that worked to sooth her. Fiery anger. “Is our meeting concluded for the day?”
“Yes.” He didn’t look at her, flipping through loose pages on his desk and began reading.
Fuck this guy.She turned, leaving his study. She went to her room, leaving her door to the hall open as she started a hot bath. She opened various oils smelling them, hoping the scent would carry to Rune and his bloodlust would chew on his brain. She selected one that smelled like roses and poured the contents of the bottle into her bath.
She tossed in some mineral salts and a floral bubble bath before she retrieved her book.
Faye sat on the bathroom counter, leaving her door open while she waited for her bath to fill. She shifted, pressing her thighs together. Taking a deep calming breath, Faye rationalized she was sexually frustrated because of what she saw. Simple easy explanation. This was a completely natural reaction and didn’t mean she longed for that arrogant dick.
Faye closed the door and locked it. Knowing it wouldn’t keep him out since he was a magic wielding, pompous ass who could just poof into places. Still seething, Faye stripped and set her book on the ground near the tub. She stepped into the hot water and moaned as she sank down into it.
She leaned back, closing her eyes. She ran her hand from her throat down her body. Trailing between her breasts to her hip. Sliding lower to the ache between her legs. Her fingers slipped along her wetness. Faye’s lips parted as she circled her clit, palming her breast.
She thought of the couple, imagining herself in Erin’s place. But the vampire between her thighs didn’t have copper colored hair. Long white-blonde hair spilled forward, brushing her inner thighs as his mouth worked her.
Faye moaned quietly, touching herself with both hands. Imagining his tongue on her clit. That it was his fingers that stroked into her.
Her pace increased, imagining Kayla standing behind Rune. Her riding crop struck his shoulder. Faye’s lips parted.