Page 26 of Tentacles and Teeth
I gripped the back of her neck, pulling her close. With our lips a hair apart, I paused for the briefest of moments.Last chance to change your mind, pretty girl.If I sensed any hesitation, I’d kiss her on the forehead and leave her and Sid to their evening. Even if it killed me.
She huffed and pushed up onto her toes, crashing our mouths together.
Fucking finally. She tasted like honey and mint, and I devoured her until she was clinging to me, whimpering. When I pulled back, I noted with satisfaction that her mouth shone with my kiss now, her lips swollen pink and pouty.
“Definitely worth waiting for,” I murmured, charmed when her already flushed cheeks darkened with pleasure.
I flicked a glance over her shoulder before leading Katarina inside. My roommate was a silent presence behind us. Silent, but not calm. Her eyes were glowing brightly enough they were casting shadows, while her tentacles roiled with her desperate need to touch.
“Sid, why don’t you put those in water and make some drinks?” I asked, taking pity on her.
She jumped at the suggestion, asking Katarina what she’d like. I left them to their progressively less awkward conversation, and started up the grill with a burst of energy. I overdid it, ramped up as I was, and had to wait for the rush of flame to settle down. Thank the gods, the two women were too wrapped up in each other to do more than glance my way. Katarina’s eyes lingered, tracing down my body, and I preened a bit.
I listened, meeting her gaze occasionally as the steaks sizzled. The two of them had something special, it was obvious. Sid was clearly smitten—I snorted to myself remembering her panic a half hour ago—and Katarina wasn’t any better. They leaned towards each other as they talked like plants seeking the sun.
I wasn’t sure what I was. I wanted Katarina, fucking craved her, and the more I got to know her the more I liked her. She was funny, smart, sexy, and kind. She ticked all the boxes.You’ve only been talking to the girl for two days, I reminded myself.This is dinner. Hopefully sex...and breakfast, but still. Nobody’s talking mating.
Setting the steaks aside to rest, I assembled the salads. I couldn’t help flexing a bit as Katarina watched, her gaze heavy over the glass she sipped from. “A little help?” I called out as I grabbed two plates and headed to join my date and roommate.
Sid’s tentacles slid past me, returning with the rest of our meal. I looked over the table with a critical eye. The wood shined, the plates of salads were bright and colorful, and the bread filled the air with a tempting yeasty aroma that was a perfect backdrop to the seared beef. I smiled, picking up Katarina’s hand and brushing a kiss over her knuckles.
“This looks—and smells—amazing, Fenn.” Katarina’s excitement was bright and honest, and the blissful expression on her face at the first bite was the best compliment I could have asked for.
“Damn good,” Sid agreed, sending me a smile as she munched from her artichoke-free plate.
I tipped my head, graciously acknowledging both the compliment and the unspoken thanks. I’d weaponized her hatred of certain foods in the past. In fact, she’d been about five minutes from a plateful of the flower-like vegetables when she’d finally evicted herself from my kitchen. I appreciated her self-awareness. It made her Fae tendency to overthink every-damn-thing slightly less annoying.
I let the two of them carry the bulk of the conversation as we ate. Rather than chatter, I watched them. Ok, I watched Katarina.
It was fucking foreplay. She didn’t make a spectacle of herself. No long, meaningful licks or exaggerated moans. She just ate with the same unabashed, earthy enjoyment that had so turned me on during our play these last few days.
Her pleasure was addictive, and I wanted to gorge myself on it.
I wasn’t the only one affected, either. Sid was pumping out pheromones like it was her job, and her eyes hadn’t stopped glowing since that kiss at the door. Katarina’s nipples were hard and clearly defined by the slippery fabric of her dress, and the smell of her arousal was thick in the small room.
Sid reached out with a wedge of beet, painting it over Katarina’s parted lips. Leaning close, she flicked her tongue over the stain before groaning and sealing their mouths together in a deeper kiss; the food forgotten.
I watched hungrily. When they broke apart, panting, I swooped in and caught Katarina’s lips with my own.
Her hands came up, fisting in my shirt to pull me closer.
Snarling, I tilted my head and sealed my mouth more firmly over hers, tangling our tongues together as her taste called to my hunger with a siren’s song.
She gasped, jerking, and I pulled back enough to look down. My questioning expression morphed into a wicked grin when I saw Sid’s hands cupped around Katarina’s heavy breasts.
Sid’s teeth flashed before she buried her face in that lush neck.
I took the next gasp into my kiss, spearing my hand into Katarina’s hair to hold her still for our onslaught.
She moaned. Her hips worked in anxious circles against the chair, and I felt a surge of jealousy for the old wood. I was going to feel that squirm on my face, and soon, I swore. I’d drown in her honey until my lungs burned.
Her hands came up, one cupping the back of Sid’s neck, the other tangling in the hair trailing over my collar. She pulled, moaning, then froze. A bitter note of shame cut through her perfume.
I stilled.
“Kat—” I started to ask what was wrong, but she shook her head, sending her hair flying and narrowly avoiding my nose.
“Sorry. I’m not—I just—I have to go to the bathroom.” She twisted abruptly, and Sid and I leapt back. Without looking either of us in the eye, Katarina fled.