Page 27 of Tentacles and Teeth
Sid’s expression was just as confused as mine, and she winced when the bathroom door shut with a firm click, her eyebrows drawing tightly together.
As one, we rose and stalked down the hall.
Chapter XII
“What the fuck just happened?” I hissed, careful to keep my voice quiet enough that Katarina wouldn’t overhear. The bathroom door was firmly closed between us, but that was no barrier to my ears. She hadn’t so much as lifted the toilet lid.
Fenn shrugged. He was unusually shaken, his face lined with confusion rather than his habitual scowl. His muscles bunched, straining at the confines of his clothing as he dragged his hands through his shaggy hair and gripped the back of his neck.
The hall grew darker as we waited, shadows rising with my agitation.
Still no sounds of running water. Thankfully, that included tears. I heard only her breathing, its raggedness a punch to my solar plexus. Endless moments later the sound of footsteps against the tile rang out like gunshots. Fenn and I tensed; eyes locked on the door.
But the handle never turned, and her steps receded. She was pacing.
“Should I knock?” I whispered. It felt like an army of ants crawled under my skin.
“Give her a minute,” Fenn muttered back.
I waited, fingers twitching. The steps paused, and I reached forward reflexively, only to be stopped by Fenn’s sub vocal growl. I glared, but stood down when her pacing continued.
An eternity later, the steps finally quieted.
I didn’t wait for Fenn’s approval before knocking this time. Keeping my voice soft, I called out, “Katarina? Can I come in?”
No nightingale’s song was ever as beautiful as her quiet “yes” as it filtered through the door.
I blew out a breath, trying to regain my composure so I didn’t barge in looking like something from her nightmares. Fenn caught my gaze from where he leaned against the wall, arms folded over his chest, and jerked his chin meaningfully towards our hiding date.
I found Katarina standing in an identical pose as I closed the door gently behind me. Except where Fenn radiated guarded patience, Katarina just looked...embarrassed. Small.
“You ok?” I watched for any signs of discomfort as I moved closer, reaching out a cautious hand. When she leaned into it instead of away, I cupped her cheek, running my thumb along the velvety skin there.
“Yeah, sorry.” She blew out a humorless laugh, her eyes darting to the side.
“No apologies,” I commanded, giving her chin a shake that made her lift her gaze to mine. “Talk to me. What’s going on? Was it too much? Too fast?”
“Gods, no!”
“Was it us together that was the problem?” Her eyes widened, and I inhaled a moan at the fresh pulse of arousal that bloomed in the air. “Mmm, part of you still likes that idea,” I hummed, warning myself to tone it down even as I pressed closer.
“All of me likes that idea,” she ground out, frustration battling with embarrassment. “I’m—well, you can tell how much it turns me on. I’ve been fantasizing about you two all week.”
Lowering my head, I looked deep into her eyes. “Do we need to stay a fantasy?”
I blinked at the shout, and she covered my hand with hers, turning her head to press a kiss against my palm.
“Sorry. No. I want this, want you. Both of you. I just...wasn’t raised to, you know? I left those beliefs behind a long time ago, but sometimes old voices push their way back in, and...” She shook her head, nuzzling into my hand as she frowned. “I just need time to deal with them when they do.”
I nodded, aching for her. “Ok. I understand that.” I ran my thumb over her cheek, hesitating, then gave into the need to offer comfort. “Can I hold you?”
“Gods, yes.” She dove into my arms, burrowing in, and I wrapped my arms around her tight. She kept squirming closer, like she wanted to get under my skin, so I raised my tentacles and wrapped them around her, too. Finally, she settled.
I rested my chin on her head and thought. My girl was adventurous and bold, confident. I didn’t think I was going to get along with her family if they made her feel this...lost in herself. But that was a future problem.