Page 87 of Beach Bodies
“I can manage,” he said, getting up from the couch. “You look like a professional chef, by the way.”
“Thanks, but I hardly think so.”
They got the turkey into the pan and then slid it into the oven.
“Now the thing is to get to Pam’s without dropping it on the ground.”
“It’ll be fine,” he said. “We’ll drive up. We can’t carry a turkey on the beach. It will be covered with sand by the time we get to her house.”
“Who’s Dan bringing today? Did you hear anything?”
“He’s seeing a cop. A detective. Samantha Cordis.”
“Hmmm. Dan will date anyone; did you ever notice that?”
“He has discriminating taste,” Andy answered, feeling protective of his friend.
“Just the opposite,” Sandra scoffed. “Although the last couple of women were nurses; let us not forget Lily.”
“Rest in peace.”
Up the beach a few cottages, Lisa and Ryan were preparing a standing rib roast to bake.
“This is like old times,” Lisa said. “There’s no guy there, jockeying for my mother’s attention. Just family and friends.”
“Who’s helping Pam, though?” Ryan asked.
“Sister Mary and Uncle Sam are there,” Lisa answered. “We’re bringing beef. Sandra is doing the turkey. Will got a giant ham from some farm store. Alison said Adam is doing the pies. I’m not sure about anyone else.”
“It’s going to be a feast,” Ryan said. “Do you mind if I run up to lend a hand? I feel creepy leaving her alone up there. I’m not sure how much help Sam will be.”
Lisa looked up at him, concerned. Ryan’s mood swings had become legendary, but he had been soupfor the last few days. “You okay, sweetheart?”
“I’m great. I feel better than I have in weeks. Months. I know the mood swings are cycling, so I’ll be careful.”
“Yes, be careful,” she said, watching him out of the corner of her eye.
“I can’t wait for Kid Zone Saturday.”
“Oh God, better you than me,” she said, laughing.
They got the roast in the oven, and Ryan left to shower and change. Lisa waited until she heard the shower running and then reached for her phone to call Julie.
“Are you invited to my mother’s house for Thanksgiving?”
“She left a message, but I never called her back. Eric’s mother is having his family, and I invited my sister and her partner to join us.”
“Okay, well, I have some photos for you. My mother found a box in the basement, but fortunately, she didn’t go through them before handing the whole thing over to me. It was eye-opening.”
“Oh, Christ. What now, Lisa?”
“Photos of you and my father.” She took a deep breath. “You always claimed that Jack was the worst, yet you are in bed with him. Did Brent know? You are responsible for my brother’s death if this is true. You told your parents he peed on you, and that’s why you ran away from him. Your father murdered my brother, Julie, and all along, you were just as bad.”
“I was drugged, Lisa. Just like they drugged Ginger.”
“You don’t look like you’re drugged. As a matter of fact, you appear to be enjoying yourself.”
“You’re wrong, and I’m not sure why Brent would be involved in that mess unless he was coerced. I never saw Brent and Jack together.”