Page 88 of Beach Bodies
“Why’d you do it?” Lisa asked, incredulous. “I don’t understand. You’ve been so judgmental.”
“Why’d I do what? Sleep with Jack? No matter what you think, I’d probably been drugged. I have no recollection of being with him.”
“Maybe if I show you these disgusting photographs, it will jog your memory.”
“No, I don’t want to see them. What are you going to do with them?”
“I’m not sure yet. Certainly not show them to my mother. I’m just so happy she stopped at the top photos Brent took of Ginger—fully clothed, I might add.”
“Yes, Ginger. Like the proverbial fly on shit, she keeps popping up in my life even though she’s dead. And now, with her husband married to Sandra, I guess Ginger will be with us forever.”
“Okay, well, have a nice Thanksgiving with Eric’s family. I guess I have to start over with you yet again. I keep forgiving you and trying to keep you in the family, and I ask myself why.”
“It’s for our kids, Lisa, if not for us. Our children have the same father. It only makes sense not to interfere with their relationship.”
“I want to keep you in my life, Julie, but I can’t deal with the lies. Are you telling me you didn’t have an affair with Jack?”
“I can’t talk about it anymore. Can you get together for coffee next week?”
“We’ll talk then. And not while Hocus is around, either.”
“Please call my mother, Julie, out of respect for her. Let her know you’re not coming.”
“Okay, I will if I must.”
“If you value our relationship, you’ll be kinder to Pam.”
“I will.”
They ended the call just as Ryan came out.
“Wow! Is that my husband?” Lisa stood up, surprised and happy. Ryan had shaved his beard off. He actually looked a bit like the old, polished Ryan. “All you need is one of your Armani suits.”
“They’d never fit. Do I look older?”
“Oh, hell no! You look like a teenager. Now I have to worry about looking like your mother.”
“Never!” he said, laughing. “You’re younger-looking by far.”
They embraced, and then Lisa walked him to the door.
“I’ll be back to get you and the kids and the roast.”
“Okay, see you soon.”
She watched him trudge over the dune to the edge of the surf, where the compacted sand would make it easier to hike to Pam’s. The relationship Pam and Ryan had forged was amazing, considering its roots.
The baby crying ended her reverie at the door just as Ryan stepped out of sight. Motherhood would keep her busy for the next while, thoughts of Julie and Lily and everyone else in her life that had caused her angst pushed down for a few precious hours.
Ryan had received a text from Pam before he showered.Mary and Sam left. I’m alone.Now, making the hike up to her house, he ignored Laura’s cottage, hoping she and Will were busy inside doing whatever it was that kept them busy. Spending any holiday with her was uncomfortable, and he wondered if Lisa really didn’t mind the relationship he’d once had with her stepsister.
From a distance, he saw Pam waiting for him at the doors to the veranda, smiling, and it just made him happy.
“Hey, beautiful,” he called out. “You’re going to freeze to death.”
“The firepit is on high,” she called out.