Page 20 of Reckless Abandon
“Good morning to you too. And no I used Bluetooth, Mom,” he said in his best smart ass voice.
“Sorry. Good morning, nuts,” I laughed. I leaned over and kissed his scratchy cheek. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
The drive was quiet. I had never been good with surprises. I tended to overthink most situations. I reached over and turned on the radio to break the silence. Confession by Florida Georgia Line quietly started playing. The lyrics to that song have always something I'd been able to get lost in. Somewhere deep down in me, I knew there were so many confessions I had to make. Before I knew it, we pulled up in from the Paris Casino.
“Why are we here?” I asked angrily. Confusion marred Nathan’s features as he stared at me.
“Sunrise on the observation deck,” he paused. “Ryann, are you okay?” Tears started to stream down my face.
“Take me home. Now. Please.” It wasn’t a request, it was a demand.
“Ryann, tell me what’s wrong,” Nathan pleaded.
“I can’t do this. Just take me home!” I yelled at him. My anger had nothing to do with Nathan, but he was the only person there for me to take it out on. Of all the places in Las Vegas, Nathan could have taken me, he chose the one spot where I got married. Un-fucking believable.
When we pulled back in front of my condo, I sat there for a few seconds not really knowing what to say. Finally, I forced myself to meet his eyes, feeling guilty when I saw the concern in his. “I’m sorry, Nathan. I can’t ever be what you need.” With that, I slowly got out of the truck and shuffled into my house.
Nathan tried calling and texting me throughout the rest of the day. I just needed to be by myself and shut off everything except for the new season of Orange is the New Black. I felt stupid for freaking out on him like that. I should have just told him he took me to the exact spot where I married my jerk of an ex. But in that moment, I was so pissed off and hurt that I just needed to be away from him. Away from that memory.
Tuesday and Wednesday, I went to work and avoided the VIP booths at all costs. I knew that’s where the money was but I just couldn’t bring myself to see Nathan. Rose told me he was there both nights. I figured Ashlynn would just give him his usual massages and all would go back to the way it was before. But the girls said he just sat there by himself. It was definitely a sad situation, according to them.
Thursday night came, and I couldn’t avoid the booths any longer. G was back in town for the week and he wanted us to “hang out” according to Jade. I hated when people do air quotes. What the hell does “hang out” really mean then? Did it matter? I wanted to experience reckless abandon this summer. There was this thing with Nathan. But Nathan was here in Vegas, where I lived. Where I taught. It was all too real. G goes back to New England in August for training. He would be a hot summer fling. I mean have you seen his body?
After meeting G at The Cave the first time, I went home and Googled him to find out what he was really all about. He was known for being the NFL playboy. He broke women’s hearts as often as he broke his opponents’ noses. He was a strip club frequenter and liked to date and show his women off. But at the same time, women gushed about him, how he had a big heart and cuddled like a teddy bear. When it came to G here at the club, I had a job to do. I knew it would be whole different ball game if I saw him outside of the club on my own time. If that’s what “hang out” meant. I just didn’t think I could be the kind of girl G would expect me to be. Ugh, I’m rambling again.
I stopped by the main bar to grab a drink from Rose. As I sat there with her, I glanced up at the VIP booths and could see Nathan looking directly at us. Shit. I knew he deserved an explanation. I had no idea why I was afraid to give it to him. Yes, I did. I really liked him. I couldn’t risk some strip club regular finding out what my real job is. And I didn’t want to face rejection again when he found that I could never give him a family. Nope not worth it.
I grabbed my drink and sauntered my ass up to G in his booth right next to Nathan’s. “Back so soon, big guy?” I asked as I sat down next to him.
“When you look this damn good, baby girl, how could I not?” he growled, waving his hands in front of my body.
“I was hoping I’d see you tonight, so I decided to wear something extra sexy,” I whispered back. Completely not true, but this job was all about playing into our customers. And G was just another customer. Tonight I wore a black and pink lace lingerie set. It was absolutely gorgeous. It was one of those pieces that covered your stomach but had open sides and a back. My boobs and crotch were only covered by a thin piece of black lace. It unsnapped behind the neck giving my girls easy release when it was time. “Let’s go someplace more private,” I told him.
Knowing damn well I had to walk by Nathan’s booth, I took G by the hand and led him into the private rooms. I needed Nathan to see this. If I pissed him off bad enough, he’d stop watching me and neither one us would get hurt by the situation. But how far was I willing to go with G to make that happen?
When we got to the empty room, G sat down and roughly pulled me down on his lap. This man was more than double my size, there’s no possibility I could pull away even if I wanted to. The problem was, I didn’t think I wanted to. The women on the internet were right, G was like a giant teddy bear.
“You really are a beautiful lady, Vaughn,” G said as he pushed a fallen hair behind my ear. Ah, there’s that name again. Vaughn. The fake me. Each time G saw me I had on my brown wig, and different color eyes. I guess it was so dark in the club he didn’t notice.
“Why, thank you. You’re not too bad yourself there, big boy,” I teased as I batted my long fake eyelashes at him.
“Dance for me, Vaughn,” he said in his drawn out ultra-sexy voice. Damn accents.
“Of course.” I played Nice and Slow by Usher on the speakers. I took a few steps back so he could see all of my body, and started slowly moving in front of him. Dancing is all about the suggestive movements and eye contact. And with G, none of it was hard. I untied the ribbon that held my top together down the center I started rubbing my nipples until they were fully erect. Turning myself around, I backed up until I was sitting directly on his lap. “Untie me, G.”
He did as I told him to, also making sure he ran his massive hands directly down my side, over my hips and left them there. My top fell to the floor. Slowly, I raised my arms and held my hair up, exposing my entire backside as I grounded my hips into his ever growing erection. As I leaned all the way into him, I rested my head on his shoulder, and exposed my tits to him. His body felt so strong, it encouraged me to keep going when I heard the sultry moan escape from his throat.
There was a moment of quiet when the song ended. “Vaughn, would you be willing to take it all off for me tonight?” G asked. “I really want to see all of this beautiful body in front of me.”
I knew G had a reputation for expecting more from the girls, so what exactly did he want from me? As Pour it Up by Rhianna came on, it reminded me that this was all about the money, but I still wouldn’t compromise my limits.
“One condition. I will dance completely nude, but hands off big guy,” I said sternly. G nodded. With that, I began to slowly take off the lace bottoms I still had on, moving my body with the rhythm of the song. Rocking my hips back and forth, I slowly cupped my own breasts. I moved closer to him, and could see the pure lust in his eyes. I could now understand how women could get swept up by him. He was fine as hell. After the other night with Nathan, and now tonight dancing again for G, the ache that was forming between my legs screamed to push his large erection in front of me, deep into my core. It had been too long since I'd felt the touch of a man.
I have no idea what the next song was, but G requested three songs, so I kept dancing. Even completely nude, there was something about him that made me feel comfortable. Moving onto G's lap, I rubbed my breasts close enough to his face that I felt his warm breath against my nipples. I could only imagine that he'd be an awesome fuck. I bet Nathan would be an awesome fuck as well. I bet these two men fucking me together would be fantastic. Holy shit, where did that come from?
Knowing the song was coming to an end, I was going to make damn sure I had control of my own release tonight. I shifted myself on G’s lap, again with my back towards him, but this time we were both facing the mirrors. I used one hand to pinch my right nipple and used the other hand to gently rub my clit. I continued to go faster and harder until I felt the orgasm creeping through every inch of my body. My eyes popped open and looked directly into G’s as I gave myself my first orgasm in weeks. Holy freaking hotness…