Page 21 of Reckless Abandon
“Damn, baby girl,” he growled.
As I was changing and cleaning up for the night, Vanessa came in and handed me an envelope. “What’s this?” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and walked out. Jade and Bree were by my side in an instant, like moths to a flame, waiting for me to open the envelope. They both knew that I spent the evening in a private room with G. I stepped away, so I could look at whatever this was first. I pulled out the note.
You rocked my world tonight, baby girl.
I am in town for a couple weeks.
Let me take you to dinner.
I’ll be in touch soon.
Along with the note, he attached three thousand dollars. Holy shitballs! I wasn’t sure if I should’ve been ecstatic or pissed off. Why was I confused about this? I danced for a rich man and he tipped me well. But now what? I was not a prostitute. I showed the girls the note, and of course being the two youngest of all of us are here, they were completely jealous. I needed to give Vanessa a call for some advice
“I can’t believe G tipped you three grand, Vaughn,” Bree shouted as we bounced down the hall to our cars.
“Yeah, it was a crazy night tonight,” I said.
Out of nowhere, Nathan appeared in the hallway and stood in front of us. “Did I hear that fucking right? G tipped you three grand, Vaughn?” I could see the anger in his eyes and heard it in his voice. “I should have listened to my instincts. You are no different than the rest of them. You bitches are all the same,” Nathan almost snarled at us, before storming out the back door.
“What the fuck was that all about?” Damon came out of his office; furious.
“I have no idea, Mr. White,” Bree answered. “Vaughn and I were discussing her tip from a VIP tonight and Mr. Sims came unglued.”
I stood there stunned. What the hell was Nathan’s problem? I understood he was pissed off at me, but I wouldn't let him put my job in jeopardy. I needed the money. G’s tip just paid three months’ rent for me. “I will fix it, Mr. White. Sorry.”
I ran out the door after Nathan but he was already long gone. I pulled out my phone and brought up his number.
Me: WTF Nathan?? Meet me at my house in 20 minutes. We need to talk.
I didn’t hear back from Nathan, so I had no idea if he was coming over or if he even got my message. But when he pulled up an hour later, I assumed he was trying to gain the upper hand by showing up when he wanted to. It was after three in the morning, and the last thing I wanted to do was cause any kind of disturbance in my complex. I stood there in the doorway as he walked up in an effort to keep Roxy from barking. I could smell the beer on him as he stood on my front porch waiting for me to invite him in.
“Have you been drinking?” I asked.
“Why yes, Mother! Am I in trouble?” Nathan sneered in the same smart ass tone he’d used before.
“What the hell, Nathan? Come inside, please.” He followed me and I grabbed us some water before we both sat on the couch. He'd been drinking but he wasn’t drunk.
“Did you fuck G?” Nathan bold faced asked me.
“Did you suck his dick?” I could see the hurt and anger mixed in his face.
“Nathan.” I frowned. “No.”
“Then why in the fuck would G tip you three grand? Tell me truth Ryann,” Nathan said flatly.
Ouch. He used my real name. Well, why wouldn’t he. I hoped that’s not who Nathan thinks of me as. “I don’t know. He likes me I guess.”
“Bullshit, Ryann!” he yelled. This caused Roxy to look up to see if I needed protection.
“Fine!” I yelled back. “I danced nude for him. Is that what you wanted to fucking hear? This is my job, Nathan. That tip tonight paid my rent for three fucking months. You have no idea what that kind of money means to someone like me. I don’t make a ton of fucking money with the drop of the fucking cards. And why the fuck do you even care?” Damn, I was crying again. Why did this man always make me cry?
“Because I care about you Ryann,” Nathan admitted as he wiped the tears off my cheek.