Page 24 of Hidden in Darkness
The current attempt at renegotiation of the contracts essentially states, per my approval, I will be wed to all three of the guys to combine all of the territories together. Legally, of course I could only be married to one of them but there are contractual stipulations stating that upon the point of an official ceremony to symbolically marry all of them, contractually all of the land and businesses are to be transferred into all of our names, as we would be combining some of the major families in the mob, covering a major span of the United States.
Nonno specifically required me to be present for this as he is only willing to agree if it is my decision. The boys were adamant that I must want this. I am not to be forced at any time. Technically it’s the only hope to override the original contract and potentially our only solution if we can’t dispose of the original agreements.
The problem is that Lorenzo still speaks for the DeLuca family and he’s not exactly agreeable. If it doesn’t benefit him, he doesn’t accept the changes. If I hadn’t been found, I’m sure they would’ve ultimately taken on the lead position at some point though. Lorenzo DeLuca has just been left in the dark about most of it.
It turns out that he is more invested in the seedier sex slavery type work, as well as kidnapping and human trafficking, which is not all that surprising considering how nauseating he is as a human being and the fact that all signs point to him for my own kidnapping. His regular day to day operations are California/Nevada strip clubs and escort services, but it’s all for show. His real money is made through the underground shit he runs. It all ties together perfectly for him. Things all used to be above board before my bisnonna sold off most of her shares in their companies. That’s when he took things on a less legal route.
I don’t know what came over me after all of our meetings concluded but the dark looks in their eyes had me damn near begging for their physical affections and the boys were ready and willing to help me out, they surely didn’t disappoint. There’s just something about seeing how powerful they are without wanting to strip me of my own that lit me up.
They haven’t taken it too far but that doesn’t mean there hasn't been plenty of orgasms to go around. Now that we’ve started the second semester and things are in full swing I feel like things are coming together nicely. The boys have made it a point to keep me in their grasp as much as possible and I’m kicking everyone’s ass academically. I spend a ridiculous amount of time studying though so my grades aren’t usually a concern.
SB and I are basically attached at the hip and I never thought I’d see the day but it feels like I finally have a family. Albeit a slightly odd one with vaguely violent tendencies when need be, but I finally feel like I have people I can count on. The real question is, am I an idiot for trusting them?
* * *
“Miss Salvatore,may I please have a word with you?” Mrs. Wilson, my physics teacher, stops me as class ends.
“Uhh, sure. What’s up?” I ask, feeling a little weird about today. All of my teachers have been assessing me in a strange manner. When I commented on it, the boys told me to brush it off and that they’ve probably just heard some new gossip about nonno that has them on edge.
“Myself and some of your other teachers have received some concerning information about your academic achievements and based off of your latest perfect scores on yesterday's pop quiz, I’m afraid I have to take it under serious consideration. I’ve scheduled a meeting with the headmaster and you’ve been excused from your next period. If you’ll follow me, please. We shall go together.”
She gives me a hard look and proceeds to walk out of the classroom. I’m a little taken aback. What information could anyone really have about my grades? Following her, I keep my head held high and try to piece the puzzle together.
By the time we reach the office, we are shown right in. We’ve been expected.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Sheldon” Mrs. Wilson nods her head as she greets her but Nancy is looking at me like she’s going to be sick. She’s worried, but why?
I cock my eyebrow at her, “Nancy, good morning. I trust everything is going well? You’ve kept all of your documents and files well recorded since we last spoke?”
Her face changes immediately, with a glorious smile and a hint of deviance in her eye.
“Yes, Miss Salvatore. I’ve managed to keep up with my duties to satisfaction.” She winks.
At that moment, the headmaster's door swings open to welcome us and I know things will be fine.
“Ah yes, hello Miss Salvatore. Mrs. Wilson, thank you for joining us. Let’s just cut right to the chase, shall we?”
Headmaster Clifford has a very serious expression on his face, almost a frown but honestly, his poker face needs work because there’s also an underlying hint of fear in his eyes and a bead of sweat along his brow. Forever putting the stern headmaster facade in place though, he moves things along.
“It appears as though some of the students here have noticed you doing some rather concerning things in regard to your tests, such as seeing you use cheat sheets and for some cases, sneaking around after school and replacing your tests with perfectly scored tests. Some students have even come forth confirming that they have been coerced into writing all of your essays, homework and the like. Considering you’ve had nothing but exceptional marks since arriving, it’s rather suspicious that we’re now receiving word that you’ve reached those grades under false pretenses.
“We’ve taken everything under serious advisement and unfortunately for you we have a zero tolerance policy for cheating as well as bullying and from the evidence we've gathered, you’ve accomplished both which results in an immediate expulsion. Your mother has been notified and is on her way as we speak, although there’s not much left to be said. With several witnesses to attest to your inappropriate behavior, this is what must be done. Being as how your grandfather is a major benefactor to our academy, we will be handling this quietly. I’ve already drafted a recommendation letter to get you into any other prestigious high school academy. I’m so sorry it has had to come to this but I have to represent the other students and uphold this establishment's expectations. They have the right to feel safe and cared for, especially in circumstances such as this.”
He blows out a breath as though that was almost too difficult to get through. Little does he know; the difficult part hasn’t even started.
Staying exceptionally still, and as calm as can be, I maintain direct eye contact without deviation.
“Mrs. Wilson, with all due respect I’d like you to leave.” I quietly state.
“Miss Salvatore, I hardly think that would be appropriate given the-”
“I said leave. Now. Or you will be finding yourself hard pressed to find a job come the end of the day.” My voice becoming louder, firmer.
Keeping my eyes on the headmaster, I hear the door open and click shut before I make my move.
“Headmaster Clifford,sir. May I ask which students blatantly lied to you about me? In fact, may I see the proof of said allegations? I mean, you must have proof right? Written statements, video footage, missing answer keys? Because if not, then that would be rather unfortunate for you. You see, expelling a student without just cause or refutable evidence could bring a rather large issue to your feet and I guarantee, those who’ve come to you wouldn’t be willing to state such bold lies a second time nor would they be willing to sign documentation to verify said claims. Not only would I have the legal grounds to sue you but I may have some rather damning evidence myself in regard to how you ‘care’ for your students.”
Although my exterior is calm and collected, I am internally seething. How dare this motherfucking piece of garbage insinuate that I don’t work for my own grades? How dare he lift his snooty nose at me and act as thoughI’mthe immoral one here. It’s the best feeling, knowing I’m about to fuck him up right now. He’s now openly balking at my response to him. Little does he know, I’m far from finished.