Page 25 of Hidden in Darkness

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Page 25 of Hidden in Darkness

“It seems as though you’ve gotten many of your facts wrong. Not only do I do my own academic homework but I’ve also made it my business to do my homework on those who surround me from day to day. As you obviously know, I am Alessandra Salvatore and my reach far surpasses yours. I’ve had cameras placed throughout the campus and have kept a very close eye on the goings on around here. You,sir, are a sick and depraved man and I, for one, will enjoy seeing you to your end.”

Pulling out my knife, I whip it open and take a few steps closer to the pathetic trembling headmaster. I notice the way he attempts to hold back his fear but there’s a noticeable glint of something else too, proving my point about him being a pig. Running my knife down his cheek, I watch the slow trickle of blood that flows down the line of the cut. Lowering my voice, I pour every ounce of disgust and disapproval into my tone.

“Does it turn you on, the blade of my knife? Knowing I can kill you at any moment? Just one quick thrust into your neck and you’ll bleed out all over this office. Tell me. Or is it only when you make children bleed that does it for you. Pretending you’re some dom, tying them up, suffocating them, locking them up and making your students call yousir.Are you imagining it right now, you twisted piece of shit? I saw the way you tied Avery down and ran your own blade along her thighs, drawing small lines of blood. I saw the way you licked it up before slamming yourself into her over and over again.

“I heard her muffled screams and sobs. But it’s not just her, is it? I’ve been doing my research. It doesn’t matter what their gender, you just want to defile the youth of this world, isn’t that right? Tell me, do you want to do the same thing to me with my very own knife? Maybe go a little further and cut off my airway, knowing that you can get back at me for putting you in your place and retaining my position as a student here? Would it make you feel like a man, stripping me of my power to establish your own? Really, when you’re just a pathetic old man who abuses his authority over the student body of this academy. You weren’t smart to mix business with pleasure. I’ll have you feel every ounce of fear and pain, you’ve put into those you’ve abused. I’m going to make you suffer.” I sneer, watching the myriad of emotions cross his face.

I’ve made him remember his past transgressions, as well as forced him into the realization of what’s to come of him.

“And let’s face it, Avery is the one who came to you, right? She lets you do your creeper shit to her and she gets control of the school. You are the reason she’s the princess amongst the student body. You are the reason her grades are at the top of the class, yeah? Well, that ends now. You are no longer the headmaster of this school. You will be held in this office until I get ahold of one of my grandfather’s men and then you will be escorted to your demise. Rot in hell, scumbag”

I shove my knife into his leg and push him into the chair, letting the echo of his screams resonate within the office. Thanks to those nauseating videos, I know where he keeps his rope. Thank god for Nancy, she was instrumental in placing the cameras and backing up the video footage. I tie him up and call my mom and nonno to have someone sent out this way.

Luckily, mom was smart enough to bring a few of our men with her and is only a few minutes away thanks to her previously being notified of my expulsion. Hearing my conversation must have pushed his fear over the limit, because the acrid smell of piss permeates the air as I start to walk away. Just being in the same vicinity as this filth has me itching to pull the trigger and end his life where he sits but he doesn’t deserve such a swift end. No, he needs to pay for what he’s done. How many lives has he ruined over the course of his time here? On my way out, I warn Nancy to steer clear of the headmaster’s office until things have been addressed appropriately.

“Looks like you’ll need to be the interim headmistress Nancy. You know the job better than anyone else here. Just don’t go in there until after my mom and her men come clean up, ok? Oh, and expel Avery Arden for me, will ya?”

“You got Miss Salvatore!” She beams at me.

I know she must’ve been waiting for Clifford’s scumbag ass to be dealt with. No one is this happy to watch someone else carted off to die unless they knew how bad of a human being they were.

“Call me Alessandra, please. No need to be formal. See you later!”

I walk away as the bell rings for students to be dismissed for the final class of the day but honestly, I’m in no mood for AP English so I head out to my car instead. Plugging my headphones in I turn on someHopsinand make my way outside, only to be bombarded by my guys. My guys? Huh, that’s an interesting concept... Matteo doesn’t even bother with pleasantries, he rips my earbuds out and practically yells at me.

“Where in the hell were you? Why weren’t you answering your phone? What the fuck Alessandra?! And now you’re what, walking to your car like you’re about to leave or some shit? You cannot disappear without communicating it to me, Cohen or Noah. Do you understand? I almost tore this whole building down brick by brick and the guys were going just as crazy!” He glares down at me like this is somehow my fault and I feel the other two step up to surround me on either side. Like, excuse me for missing one freaking class bro.

“Um, first off. I don’t have to do jack shit for you. It’s not my fault you went all psycho because I missed one damn class. Second, I absolutely don’t have to communicate anything with you. Yes, as a courtesy, I could’ve let you all know what was going on but under no circumstance do I have to do anything, do you understand? I am not your property. I am a person, an extremely independent person at that. Stop trying to boss me around Your Majesty before it backfires on you entirely. If you’d like to calm down, I’ll let you know what all happened and we can game plan how to move forward.” I pause, waiting for his response. I get a curt nod but nothing more.

“It turns out that your pretty princess went behind your back to get me kicked out of school and now it’s time for me to handle things. I let you guys do it your way but she outmaneuvered you so now it’s my turn.”

“What the fuck? Are you serious? What happened?” All three guys come at me at once. Feeling justified in my shitty attitude, I feel all the residual anger coursing through my veins.

“Well, it turns out that Avery has not only been sneaking around with the headmaster, but she’s also been using it as a tool to stay at the top of the social pyramid and keep her grades at the top of the class list. They were using each other; among other things” I look into the eyes of each of my guys.

“Your little girlfriend tried to get the headmaster to expel me due to cheating on my tests and bullying other students into completing my classwork. Supposedly several students came forward to file complaints against me. What neither of them knew was that I have cameras covering damn near every inch of that office and I have enough live film documented and saved to put him in jail for the remainder of his life, and sabotage her into nonexistence. She’s going to regret ever coming for me, I promise you that. You’ve all tiptoed around her for too long and that’s done now. I cut up his face a little and stabbed him in the leg. He’s tied up in his office chair for now but mom and nonno’s guys are on their way to handle the rest. That fucker will be lucky to breathe his last breath beyond the day's end. P.S. you all might want to get checked. He was into some pretty nauseating shit and who knows how long it’s been going on.”

I’m still running hot after everything and it’s probably the worst time to get into it with the guys. I’m lashing out. They don’t actually deserve my jabs at their previous relationships with Avery. I know they care and that’s why they are so mad but I don’t need Matteo in my face while Clifford’s blood is still warm on my knife. I need to decompress. I need to fight.

“C’mon Q, don’t be like that. You’re it for us, how many times do we need to tell you? Are you really mad about some girl we hooked up with before we even knew you existed?” Cohen looks at me with a hurt in his eyes that I don’t want to give recognition to.

Yes, for some unbeknownst reason I’m incredibly angry that they ever had that stupid bitch. I wish I could deny the ugly green goddess within my psyche but let’s be real. I’m jealous that she’s had them in a way that I haven’t and am not fully ready to. It makes me feel weak and stupid for even having these thoughts and feelings.

“I just need some time, Red. Can you give me that? A lot has happened today and I just need to go home and be alone for a bit.” I look up and see each one of them staring back with a mixture of concern and frustration, and eventually resignation. They know not to push me right now and I am eternally thankful for that.

Chapter Eighteen


Thwap! Thwap! Thwap!

It feels so good to hit the heavy bag. I needed this release. There’s just something so fulfilling about working out my muscles to complete exhaustion. Throwing up a few more kicks against the heavy bag, I decide to move on to the speed bag. I still feel an energy buzzing throughout my body though and I know I won’t be able to settle until I run it out. I feel a deep-seated need to wear myself out until I collapse and my brain just shuts down.

Today was a lot, and not even because of the mafia vibes running through my veins but I didn’t expect to feel so many more feelings to hit me about the royals. Rushing to my room, I grab my running shoes and a lightweight jacket. I send a quick text to mom to let her know that I’m leaving the estate to run the hills between us and the rest of civilization.

Throwing my earbuds in and blasting music on shuffleat full blast. I start running down our driveway and by the time I make it to the gate, the guards are on high alert. They seem to be unaware of the fact that I am going running but now that they see me, it would be pretty cool if they could open the gates. I slow to a stop so I can speak to them since my obvious running attire isn’t telling them to open up.

“Hey, can you let me out? I’m trying to get in a run.” I huff out. I pull out my headphones when the guard starts to talk and I realize I can’t hear him.

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